volume 2 chapter 8:

Começar do início

Climb: oh?

Evileye: he was not alone. There are soldiers wearing greenish armor armed with the same weapon he has, however they have bigger weapons. Weapons fired some kind of magical like projectile that can instant kill anything

Gagaran: instant kill?!

Evileye: & they have horseless carriages that goes fast & flying metal looking ships that have even more firepower

Climb: how come we didn't see something like this


Brain was walking till a big crowed watching a kid being beaten by a man. Brain sees sabas then someone walked past him cloaked.

Rookie cloaked himself follwing behind. Suddenly few men's legs & arms were shot & being beaten by the mystery figure.

Rookie decloaked himself shocking everyone mute odst for the first time showing himself to the world.

Sabas: silent line as usual my friend

Rookie nodded

They ran off limping odst & sabas looking at climb giving them a potion rookie himself was gonna give the kid some biofoam.

Sabas & rookie leaves but climb catches up to them. Rookie kept his guard thanks to his motion tracker.

Climb: my name is climb i'm a soldier thanks for doing my job

Sabas: it was no bother

Climb looked at the space marine

Sabas: he does not talk

Climb: i see thanks

Rookie nodded

He asked to teach the moves that he did same for rookie.

Sabas: rookie is a different soldier he will not teach you

As they were talking rookie noticed a white dot line looks behind them to see brain.

They got started

Rookie chuckled that boys is very brave. Sabas heard him chuckled indicating he approves.

Brain comes out of his hiding rookie marked on him as a friendly.

Brain: this warrior right here how did he turned invisible i don't see any magic on him

Rookie shook his head as " not telling you "

Sabas: he's a odst. He's not from around here & he has no magic

Rookie noticed several enemies he tap sabas by the shoulder.

Sabas: enemies coming

Climb: how does he know

Dutch: kid there's alot things you don't understand

On the rooftop group of odsts arrived so suddenly. Dutch Mickey & romeo

Sabas: my old friends dutch mickey romeo

Romeo: hey boys drop it

Sabas: save your ammo romes me & rookie will handle this

Sabas caught the knives in response rookie shoots them in the head. Climb heared it the weapon that can one shot kill.

Brain: woah what kind of ...

Dutch: bullets son

Dutch mickey & Mickey makes an appearance



overlord: halo volume 1 2 & 3 CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora