Chapter 11: Proving One's Self

Start from the beginning

"Why not?" I ask, not liking the sound of that.

"It's all right, Harmony," says Mulan. "I'll find a way to show him what I'm made of. Just give me a chance."

"That's the spirit, Ping," Captain Shang says, looking satisfied from Mulan's words.

"Sir!" Mulan exclaims.

When the Captain goes on ahead to the nearby village, Yao, Ling and Chien Po come back.

"Good going, Ping!" Ling compliments.

"Thanks!" Mulan exclaims with a smile.

My friends and I all smile, too, really proud that Mulan is finally getting her chance in joining the army. Once we got to the village, all of the soldiers get settled in to restock on supplies and also prepare themselves for any Hun army attacks. Eventually, Mushu called us all away from the soldiers, saying it was something important.

"Okay, girl! Here's your chance!" Mushu exclaims. "I just saw this real shady guy. And I know it's Shan-Yu."

"Shan-Yu!?" Mulan asks, just as shocked as the rest of us.

"That's the Hun leader," Hijikata says, not looking pleased about the situation.

"We'd better tell the captain," says Asch.

"Right!" Mulan exclaims.

"Waaaait, wait-wait-wait, WAIT!" Mushu exclaims, gaining our attention. "Everybody use their heads a sec. Now, why are we here? To make the Captain see Mulan's--I mean, Ping's talents and bring honor to her family. So, let's go find out where Shan-Yu is, by ourselves. Then, if we're lucky, we can fry him up good! Though just tracking the guy down should earn us our stars...Captain Musclehead will have to notice my girl!"

"What do you guys think?" I ask, wanting to hear my friends' opinion.

We all put some careful thought into it.

"Why not let Mulan decide? This is her honor on the line, after all," Okita points out.

We all look at Mulan, waiting for her decision.

"Okay, Let's go," she says.

"We'll help out," says Heisuke.

"Now we're cookin'!" Mushu exclaims. "Shan-Yu is in a cave outside the village!"

We all nod our heads and then head to the said village cave. But when we get there...

"Dead end," I say.

"There's nobody here..." Donald points out.

"Your crazy. Check again!" Mushu exclaims from Mulan's shoulder.

"There are signs that someone was here. There's burnt soot on the ground. Whoever was here must've had a campfire set up to keep warm," says Saito.

"But if there not here now, then they must've left before we could get here," Okita points out.

"Oh, well..." Donald says with a sigh, then starts to leave.

"Wait for me, Donald!" Goofy exclaims.

"W-w-wait for me, mieu!" Mieu exclaims, scared.

Just as we're about ready to leave, Chibi growls at something, which can't be a good sign. Then the cave starts to shake all around us.

"What? What is it?" Mushu asks, scared.

Once the shaking stops, some barrier appears, separating Mulan, Hijikata, Chibiterasu and I from the others. The rest of our friends obviously become worried but are unable to break through the barrier. And as if it wasn't bad enough, a bunch of Heartless show up and attack us. Thankfully, from all the training we've been through these last three days, it doesn't take us long to defeat the Heartless.

Kingdom Hearts 2: 2nd sequel to the Legendary 8th Princess of HeartWhere stories live. Discover now