Horrible Luck (3)

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*Gosh! Thank goodness I got out of that dangerous situation.* Rose thought about the scene back then.

A Purple Lamborghini passed by her but it slowly reverses when the driver of the car sees her.

"Rose, Is that you?!" A beautiful lady with purple hair got out of the car.

"ASTORIA!" Rose called out and pounced on her.

Astoria Zelra is Rose's acquaintance when she attended a birthday party at Astoria's house.

"Where have you been?! I was so worried about you!" Astoria looked at Rose from head to toe if she is safe.

"I, what is the street number of your house?" Rose said.

Astoria was confused, but she just told her the truth "Street 3, why do you ask?!".

Rose looked so dumbfounded after her friend said that "So You're saying it's 3 and not 8!".

"Hmm, don't tell me you barged into another house and mistook it as my house?!" Astoria said guessing what was in Rose's mind.

"Amazing! How did you know?!" Rose looked so amazed right now.

"Nevermind that, let's go to my Villa on street 3, ok!" Astoria said while Rose nodded in agreement with her.

When Rose is in her seat she started driving.

"Rose, do you have plans for tonight?" Astoria asked her friend while she was driving.

Rose thought for a moment and said "I was planning to just lounge around your villa tonight, but I can do it another day. Why do you ask?" After she said that she turned to look at her best friend.

"Good, I was planning to ask you, if you want to go to the Royal Club with me tonight," Astoria said while she was driving.

Out of curiosity, Rose asked the question in her mind "Why are you going to the Royal Club tonight?"

Astoria said when she spotted her Villa, "I'm planning to meet someone there who will be sharing my villa with us."

"I see no problem then Astoria, I love to go with you!" Rose said while she gets off Astoria's car and headed straight to her friend's villa.



At The Royal Clubs Entrance

"Astoria, Do I have to wear a dress that showed so much of my backside?" Rose said while trying to cover her back as much as possible.

"Is it uncomfortable? Sorry, Rose, that's the only dress that didn't show your legs as you requested." Astoria said and she looked at Rose with guilt for dragging her into this.

Rose feeling the guilt in her friend's eyes said "No, it's ok, I was the one who's at fault here for not bringing a party dress with me. Thanks for lending this to me.

Astoria looked up then gave Rose a smile as thanks for consoling her and said "Let's go inside and as a reminder, don't take off your mask-" she said while handing Rose a blue mask while she put on hers which is a gold mask.

"-unless you're in our box, so just follow me and don't get lost, ok?" Astoria said while walking ahead to their box.

While they are walking, Rose couldn't help but ask "Why did you decide to meet up at a club? Out of all the places, why chose a club?

"Well, I'm not the one who decided to meet up at a club, and the one I'm meeting arranged our location," Astoria said.

"But you still agree, you could have suggested a different location," Rose said questioning her friend's decision.

"Well, I didn't think of that, anyways past is past, so we'll just with the flow," Astoria said as she decided to end their conversation.

Rose who couldn't accept the fact that Astoria didn't think first before doing things ramble on some lecture for her friend as they walked.

While Rose lectured her friend, she accidentally bumped into someone which cause her to fall, but the one she bumped into caught her. He has messy lime-green hair, long nose, thin kissable lips and a pair of beastly yellow eyes that showed a dangerous glint.

"Miss watch where you're going!!" The man said in rather rude manner as he didn't even glance at Rose.

Rose break free from his embrace as she saw her friend turning into a corner without her knowing that she is no longer following, she turned to the guy and said "My apologies sir, sorry."

"Miss, please raise your head. You're making this scene looks like I bullied you." The man said which Rose obeys.

When he saw her face, it reminds her of that alpha girl he met just now and he thought *Damn, I'm so gonna make that girl mine.*

Feeling frustrated that the alpha girl escaped he turned to Rose and said "Kiss me." Rose who is already pissed slapped the guy for such an unreasonable request.

At first, the guy was shocked, but his shock turned into anger immediately as he glared at Rose who is about to run.

Before Rose left she noticed the necklace on his neck, as she recognized it as the symbol of the heir of the Beast Family. It's also a Diamond Class Family.

She followed where her friend Astoria turned before the young beast execute her. When she turned around the corner, there are two doors, both doors are labeled VIP so she just chose the right door because she thinks it's Right because it was right.

Remembering Astoria's advice she was about to take off her mask when someone from behind embraces her. She was so startled that she immediately turned around, and slapped the one who embraces her in the face.

The guy held his cheeks in agony as he slowly looked up at Rose and said "Is that how you treat your saviour? By slapping me?!" He pouted at the end of his statement as he turned the other way around.

Rose realizes her mistake, then she removed her mask and immediately touches his cheeks after he turned sideways and said "I'm sorry, are you ok? It was practically your fault for hugging me from behind which startled me-"

She was cut by the guy patting her head and smiling as he said "Ok, it's my fault, I'm sorry."

After he said that, the air was hit by awkwardness between them. Rose fake a cough to ease it as she said "I-I'm so grateful to you when you saved me by the lake, thank you so much. May I also ask, what is your name?"

"Don't worry about it and I'm Hawk." He said while dropping his leather jacket off on Rose's shoulder said "Wear this, you expose too much of your skin, and I don't like it when others see you so exposed."

"Thank you, I gotta go, my friend might be looking for me, bye," Rose said as she walked through the door with a visible blush on her cheeks and heard Hawk say "See you, we'll meet again."

When she goes outside, she saw someone standing there with a shocked look on his face, he is tall, handsome, cute, and the kind of guy who has a cute and sexy persona. Although for her, Hawk is pretty much her type of guy, gentle and caring.

She gently moved to the other side as she just noticed the badge of the Hood family which is also a Diamond Class family.

"Good day, young Master Hood," she said while going to their box. When she got there she realized that she forgot her mask in the box where Hawk is at.

When Astoria saw her, she said "Where have you been?" Astoria saw a jacket around her shoulder then immediately understood what was going on and said "No, never mind, let's go back, she said that she was already there in my villa."

Rose just nodded her head and thought *I have such horrible luck by meeting the three young masters of the five great families in one day.* She sighed and just went to her friend's car.

To be continued...

Signing off

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