Chapter 8 : Facing your Fears

Start from the beginning

"Shut up! What about you guys?" Duncan said.

"Okay, well I hate mines. Like a lot." Trent admitted."Alright Courtney you're afraid of something. Spit it out."

"Nope. Nothing." She crossed her arms confidently.

"That's not what she said last night." Duncan grinned.

"Duncan. Did you consider that maybe I was just humoring you and your stupid story?" She replied.

"Sure, sure, Princess, whatever floats your boat, " Duncan said.

"Shut up!!" Courtney fired back. "Well, what about Kevin! He hasn't told us his fear!"

Everyone soon looks at me. I sigh. "This will probably make no sense... But... Remembering my past."

"Yeah that made no sense, " Geoff said.

"Let's just say. I did something awful and there were major consequences, " I said standing up and walking back to the cabin to sleep.


The next morning we were all at breakfast. Chris suddenly walked in and started an announcement.

"Campers! Your next challenge is a little game. I like to call Phobia Factor." Chris said. "Prepare to face your worst fears."

"Worst than this?" Leshawana held up a piece of food.

"We're in trouble," Gwen commented.

/Kevin: "They are in trouble but not me. I doubt Chris has a way for me to face my fear. After all, he doesn't know anything about my past./

"Now for our first victims. Heather. Meet us at the theater. It's sumo time." Chris said causing Heather to spit out her drink onto Trent.

"Gwen. You. Me. The beach and a few tons of sand." Chris grinned making Gwen gasp.

"Wait, how did they know those were your worst fears?" Lindsay asked.

"Ugh! Because we told them." Gwen facepalmed.

Beth and Lindsay exchanged a look.

"At the campfire last night." Trent remained.

"Wait? They were listening to us?" Lindsay asked.

"It's a reality show Einstein, They're always listening to us," Gwen said.

"That's like eavesdropping."

"Chef Hatcher. Didn't you have a special order for Tyler here today?" Chris grinned.

Chef gave Tyler a piece of chicken. When he bit it an alive chicken popped out of it.


We all gathered to see a bunch of bugs in a pool. Beth shrugged and hoped in. We all cheered for her getting us our first point.

Lindsay and Sadie were taken to get horrible wings put on them.

Then Owen and Izzy were taken for a plane ride.

Next Lewshawna was faced with a giant spider. Which was Chef... In a spider costume. She, unfortunately, got scared and ran off.

It was now Heather's turn. We were all walking to the theater.

"So... Why sumo wrestlers?" I asked.

"They're just so... Big! They're living death machines! They fall on you, you're as good as dead!!"

I put my arm around her, trying to calm her down. We soon make it to the theater and Heather hesitantly walks onto the stage. The sumo wrestler runs over towards a crouching Heather. The man trips over her and tumbles away. Surprisingly, that counts as facing her fear, earning a point for the team.

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