Girls: whoa!! Woo

Roman: so girls obviously Jesy couldn't be here in case you don't know she's having a baby!!!So girls how are you feeling about the new member who's going to arrive soon

Perrie: we're very excited!!!

Leigh: yeah the other day we talking and we were like oh my god in a few weeks we're going to have a fifth member

Roman: how's jesy doing??

Jade: she's good we're missing her right now

Roman: it's really quite without Jesy innit??

Girls: yeah

Roman: so girls new tune holiday [go listen] tell us about it

Perrie: well we wrote it around the same time as break up song

Leigh: it's pretty self explanatory innit??

Jade: Yeah it came very naturally we just started writing and it came about

Roman: what was the inspiration behind it??

*two heads turn to jade*

Jade: We just started talking about boys and how you feel when you have some one and one time *makes moon face*

Perrie: It's been awhile so I had a thrill writing it *all laugh*

Roman: Oh yes Perrie your single aren't you??

Perrie: very much!!!

Roman: leigh Congratulations on the engagement!!

Leigh: ohh thank you

Jade: when I tell you this girl has been waiting I mean she has been waiting....

Perrie: yeah like literally everytime Andre does something romantic she goes Oh this is it he's going to propose
*all laugh*

Jade: Yeah and everytime we're like babe chill!!!Cut the guy some slack

Perrie: but in all honesty leigh and andre are meant to be
*everyone aws*

Leigh: Ohh thanks you guys

Roman: Jade how bout you?? How's the ol' boyfriend??

Jade: oh he's good

Roman: our we expecting the question any time soon

Jade: ohh no!!! I mean it's been a year!!
*bangs table*

Roman: ohh yes by the way Happy one year Jade and Harry

Perrie and leigh: woo

Jade: why thank you!!

Roman: do you want to hear Harry's response?? * Does Harry impression* [ go check it out it's actually good ]

Perrie: oh my god!!!

Leigh: that was good

Jade: Oh God that's spot on!!!

Roman: can we expect the new album anytime soon??

Leigh: I think around November

Perrie: it's being mastered innit??

Jade: yeah , we're done recording it's just the album art left now

Leigh: it's abit weird not having a member so we're waiting for jesy to come back to work and then we'll do the art work

Roman:That's all the time we have Girls thank you for joining us.... give jesy our love

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