~Chapter 2~ The Midnight Ride: The Real Story

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Hey Guys! 2nd Chapter! Thanks for reading ~ I love you guys!

~Paul's P.O.V.~

By the time we arrived the big blue moon was up high. William and I walked up to the brown house John and Samuel were boarding and for a moment i hesitated at the door.

        "Do you want to knock or shall I?" I asked, still perplexed on how we were going to inform them.

         "I will." William announced while taking a deep breath and knocked sharply twice. The sentry opened the door, her clothes worn and tattered from use. She smiled at us, showing her yellow pointed teeth,

         "Welcome." She whisphered. " And please keep the noise down; all of my guests are sleeping.

          "Noise!" I cried. "You'll have noise enough before long. The Regular's are coming out!" The sentry gasped. I walked to the room John and Samuel were sleeping and banged on the door, panic creeping into me. How long did it take me to get here? That I could not awnser but i knew it had been a long time and the Regular's will not stop until they arrested Samuel and John. Finally the door creaked open to show Samuel and John with droopy eyes.

        "The Regular's!" I cried. " Are coming to arrest you, arrest you both! You must flee now!" Samuel growled and his jaw clenched.

       "Why?" He growled in anger. " What have we done to deserve this?" I was taken aback, for i had certinly not expected this.

             "Why, I have no i dea Sir. I was told to warn you of your fate." I said. I looked at John to see his reaction because I had not heard a peep from him. John's face was mellow which was strange to me, then i saw the words click in his head. His face turned red and his eyes should fire. He was enraged.

        "WHAT!?" John screeched. This time I decided it was best if i took it slower,

         "Sir, the Regualr's they are coming to arrest you for a reason i was not informed of and... and  they are coming out!" I stated knowing he would understand. At that moment his jaw clenched just as Samuel's did. John's body tensed, he was about to say something when i interupted,

     "It would be best if you go now. The Regular's are on their way."


Haha! Open ending! Thanks for reading and i would appreciate votes!! So since i have none currently i need two votes for each chapter to continue! Thanks! <3

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