Secrets : Eleven chat •

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Honestly that is like my saying for life

Chat members
Camie = Illusions
Insna = Storms
Bakugou = Explosives
Todoroki = Disaster
Shinsou = Hypnosis
Izuku = Analyst

Chat : We all Mad here✨💜

Explosives : So i have decide hack in to HPSC

Storms : Why

Explosives :  I need more blackmail on them to most rumors

Disaster : I forgot how much you want ruin them

Illusions : Yeah I mean they did force want to use you and todoroki as a experiment and tortured nezu. Ok what the plan.

Explosives : Well here the plan. We will all have to sneak in. Todoroki I will need you to make a good excuse to leave campus but be we have to return Camie will need to make illusions to know that no one will know that we or not back by Curfew.

Disaster : ok seems easily enough.

Explosives : But since camie only last till me get back in the school. Izuku will tell everyone we came back in and went to bed early

Analyst: I got it by the way when your done send the coded information when your done .

Explosives: Yeah sure Anyways I need to send Hitoshi to be with me this time

Hypnosis: bruh I make up some excuse anyways how long is the time limit.

Explosives: considering I have sneak back into my house after going back home later today out of my fucking child beater house We have 30 minutes  to pull this off

Disaster: Can we get denki to cover for you he has to get info from there anyway.

Analyst: he right denki does hack for Nezu anyways

Explosives: Ok Well let start.

Storms : wait does that me I get to sit out this one.

Explosives  : yeah that ok?

Storms: finally

Written part

Bakugou can not remember how ended up doing this again. He was trying to sneak out his forbidden house with out his father noticing and  it was hard. That man is going when he comes back but it fine. Bakugou jump out of his window with been seen. In his all black jumpsuit and hoodie  he climb over the fence and escape that house. Shinsou was supposed to meet him at the sight. Bakugou there.

As he reached the he curse fucking sight at the building  with three guards blocking the way and shinsou right in front of him camouflage . "Fuck Toshi Do you have the fucking computer." The usually loud hair blonde whispered to lavender hair boy." Yeah here"  he hands the blonde his laptop and started shutting  down the security system, when he was finish everything was down. " You only have thirty minutes Toshi " bakugou said as he hands shinsou the ear piece and the flash drive, " All you need to hypnotize the guards  move them  out the way and forget plug in that" the hacker points to flash drive " ,download the the files of Secrets and get out."

The sleep deprive boy nodded.
" Avoid hurting anyone if necessary. And the files will take Five minutes to download. System  is shutting down in  3..2.....1 start."

Shinsou hypnotize everyone to pass out and started to head inside. " Take a left there is a two guards on the right. Then turn left and climb the stairs." As predicted shinsou followed the instructions not running in to anyone and no one him " Toshi there is  agent and your going to need to engage him  Izuku send me the information just now. Name : Devin Yaqin. His quirk is call Release it requires physical contact. He can take the energy off anything contains life and convert in to a gravity attack. Don't touch him use tranquil needles I made and throw it at him."
"I got Kat"

As soon as he finish speaking with his operator  he ran in to him. Shinsou threw the tranquil needles at him and it hit him. The agent fainted  as soon as  he was hit by the needle. Hitoshi kept on running till he finally got to the room. He pull in the flashdrive and started downloading the files. Right when the files was about be finished the same agent came running in to his room but at the same time files were down. " Kat I got them " Bakugou then shuts down all the electrical power  in the system and everything goes to darkness.
" It will only last for seven minutes so go."
Shinsou started running to the exits  and agent get knocks out by the the needle at shinsou  runs. By the time the lights are on Shinsou is out of the building and no injuries.

"Wow I swear we were going to get caught" Shinsou said laughing while the two lovers walk to Bakugou house hold. " Bruh I did two lucky  deku brought  that information otherwise you would be screwed." Bakugou snickers while taking of his ear piece. " Not funny. I almost got caught. " Shinsou hits bakugou in arm "Anyways  here is flash drive" he says as he toss the blonde it." Thanks Toshi" Bakugou  says before leaning to kiss Shinsou on the lips. " your welcome now let's check the chat."

Chat : Class Violence is the Answer
Pika Pika bitch: Like I say Arson is the answer

The reason for sero sextape: Agree

Arms : hey

MCR : hi

Hello darkness: hi

Arms : does anyone knows where  shinsou is.

Bones Broke!? : oh sleeping

Coffee: Disappointed  but not suprised

Bones broke!?: or not

Coffee  : what do you need

Arms: The english project send it pls

Coffee : check you dms.

Arms: Thank you
your a savior

Coffee: your welcome

Blasty: hey sisters

Pika pika bitch : Bakubro

I kinda hard : Bakubro

Blasty : hey😊

I Kinda Hard : D-Did we do something wrong

MCR: This bitch really be stuttering to text. Anyways

God is a woman:  * anygays

Mcr : vruh

Sonic : go bed  Now.

Everyone  offline

" Thanks for taking me home  Toshi. " Bakugou told him as kiss him once again " your welcome  bye Kat " and from that shinsou left the blonde hair boy  to sneak back in to his house. No one knew he was missing lucky so he bathed and changed. After he finished he set his other laptop and plug in the flash drive.

He look in to secrets to only discover. That HPSC cover up all other heroes bad deeds and blackmail the heroes to do everything  they need.He send the files to Denki and continue looking through it. He then sent  all the  heroes files that work in HPSC to Deku.After He finished he put back  everything back where it was and hid the drive and went  to sleep. 

Honestly  the written part is trash
And you will never see it done again probably but
Thanks for reading

1061 words ~

Also two chapters
In two days
I call it a blessing

It fucking 3 am GO TO SLEEPWhere stories live. Discover now