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ZOLA HADN'T spoken to Cedric since the attack at the Quidditch World Cup, but that mean she had not thought about him

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ZOLA HADN'T spoken to Cedric since the attack at the Quidditch World Cup, but that mean she had not thought about him. It was rather hard not to when his best friend was also one of her's. When Troy wasn't with Zola and her friends, he'd be with Cedric and his friends. And Troy being Troy would always talk about his time with each of them to the other.

It didn't really effect her though. They weren't romantically involved with each other and she had to focus on her studies. If she wanted to become a Muggle Studies Professor at Hogwarts after she graduates, then she's got to work hard for it. Boys, girls, the Triwizard Tournament, her family or her friends were not getting in the way of her goal.

But her brother was certainly trying his best to get her to change her goals. Even though he was a rude prick to her at time, he still was her brother and cared about her. And that meant that he didn't want to see his sister being shunned by their family due to her chose of profession even if the alternative was a lot worse.

Nonetheless, Zola dedicated her time at Hogwarts to her work and occasionally her friends. But never love. There was simply no time for romance in her life. No matter how attractive and charming and lovely she thought a person was.

Lorelei had been assigned as one of the mentors for some of the Beauxbatons and she had become good friends with a girl called Priscilla Malik a 16-year-old Beauxbaton girl, with tawny brown skin and jet black locks. She had a childish look about her, in a adorable way.

Currently, Zola, Lorelei and Priscilla all had a free period together and decided to spend it in the Great Hall. Not only to see who else had a free with them so they could get help in the new DADA specification, but also to spy on the people who dared put their names in the Goblet.

The three girls were sat, discussing the unforgivable curses that they had learnt about from Professor Moody. They were so engrossed in their conversation that the loud cheers coming from the Goblet scared them all. They turned to see a bunch of Hufflepuff boys patting Cedric on the back whislt hyping him up. He stepped through the blue circle that surrounded the Goblet without a problem and dropped his name into the cup.

Zola furrowed her brows at the sight, a strange dreadful feeling pulling at her heart. Then she realised that she was distraught at the idea that Cedric would get picked. The Golden Boy glanced at the worried Slytherin girl, his grin faltering at the sight of her concerned expression. He sent her a reassuring look and smile before his friends pushed him away.

Everyone's attention was soon diverted from Cedric and now on a cheering Fred and George as they ran into the hall. Zola rolled her eyes, knowing that they think they've figured away around the age restrictions.

"Well, lads, we've done it!" Fred started. "Cooked it up just this morning!" George finished.

"It's not going to work!" Zola yelled with a laugh. Fred and George looked offended by her words and knelt each side of her, in front of Lorelei and Priscilla.

"Oh, yeah?" Fred questioned, smugly. "And why is that, Montgomery?" George continued.

Zola smiled, sarcastically. "You see that blue circle?" She pointed to the blue flame circling the goblet. "It's an Age Line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

"So?" Fred asked, dumbfounded.

"So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an Ageing Potion."

Fred placed a hand on her shoulder, leaning closer to her. "But that's why it's so brilliant."

"Because it's so pathetically dimwitted," George finished, mocking her words playfully. The Weasley Twins stood up on the bench beside the studying girls and shook their tubes of Ageing Potions. "Ready, Fred?"

"Ready, George,"

"Bottoms up!" They spoke in unison, downing their potions. They jumped into the circle and weren't blasted out immediately. After a second, everyone clapped and cheered at the twins success so far.

"Just wait," Zola whispered to Lorelei and Priscilla. The twins plopped their parchments into the goblet and waited two seconds before celebrating. The blue flame cut off their cheers as it grew and whirled around the air, viciously. They flame blasted the ginger boys out of the circle, landing a few feet in front of the door where they entered. They sat up, and instead of their usual luscious ginger locks and bare faces, they were now decorated with longer, shaggier white hair and a long beard. "Told ya!" Zola finished with a satisfied smile. "Good try, lads. Maybe next time!" She shouted over the laughs so her ginger friends could hear her.

The crowd of Hogwarts students began to chant as Fred and George began to fight on the floor. Zola, Lorelei and Priscilla silently agreed to leave the hall but stopped as they watched a small group of Durmstrang students enter with their high master. The crowd silenced immediately as they watched Krum and another Durmstrang boy enter their names into the goblet.

The unnamed Durmstrang boy made eye contact with Zola and smiled, to which she returned.

"What was that about?" Lorelei asked, not taking her eyes of the attractive boy that smiled at her friend.

"Je n'ai aucune idée," Priscilla spoke in French. Lorelei had been trying to learn French over the last few days for the sake of the Beauxbaton student who couldn't speak English, but Priscilla had also been trying to learn English for the Hogwarts student who couldn't speak French too. Priscilla shook her head to herself, the clogs in her brain turning 100 mile per hour as she tried to translate her phrase in her head. "I have... no idea."


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