Your Guardian angel ( Sweet, Fantasy, angst)

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~~ I love writing this so much.~~


You have been Michael's guardian angel since his birth. You  always looked out for him. You were always careful to keep yourself hidden whenever you protected him. You loved him dearly and vowed to protect him at all times. 

You felt uneasiness and felt that something bad is gonna happen.

Michael wandered off the street. Looking for his mama.
Quickly you hovered and put a calming hand on his shoulder.

'Please little mikey. Momma's gonna get worried if you get lost. Come back home.'

You saw indecisiveness in his eyes but he slowly turned around then ran back inside.

You clasped you hands together and followed him.


"Joseph! stop it!" screamed Katherine. Your heart ached seeing them get disciplined. You often questioned why you couldn't do anything about it.

You saw Michael's tears and you tried so hard to give him a comforting hand.

'It will be okay, Little Mikey.' You caressed his hair lovingly.

One day. Joseph chased Michael and you did something to keep Joseph off Michael. You helped him get away. Making obstacles for Joseph so he couldn't reach him.

You were called on for that violation numerous times but you didn't mind it. All you wanted was Michael being safe.

'My little cherub, I know you mean well but once Michael learns of who you are he might lead a different life. He is still far too young.'

I heard stories that some kids would grow up conflicted with reality. Some end up wanting to leave earth earlier yearning for a better life while some are able to bear it well.


One time while swimming you noticed that he had trouble breathing. You knew that something was wrong so you made sure that Michael got to Jermaine's house safely.

You were glad that Jermaine followed his intuition and brought Michael to the hospital.

Michael and his brothers were doing a commercial and you hovered just near Michael as he was on stage for a final run. As the shoot continued. You noticed that a prop was loose and a pyrotechnic was positioned weirdly. Not having someone else to warn Michael you decided to take a form of a human and pushed him out of the way.


"She's awake." You looked around and saw Michael looking at you. You instantly smiled and reached for his face. Not being able to utter a word before, you had difficulty to produce a voice.

"Michael."  Your soft voice made the people in the room get drawn to you. I guess being an angel made you more charming.

You looked at your arm and noticed the bandages. You touched it but seems like your healing ability didn't stay.

You tried to touch it with force and felt yourself wince in pain. An angel that feels pain? 

"It's third degree burns I feel bad for being the cause of your  pain."

"You can finally see me."  You murmur and he frowned.

"Can we please get a nurse for her?"

You close your eyes and fell asleep again.

"My dear cherub..."  A loud voice echoed. The purest white clouded your eyes and you looked up.

"...You have taken a form of a human in defiance with our aggreement."

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