Agent (1 of 2 ) Time Travel/ Sci-Fi

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~ I love unconventional plots. One of my fave plot bunnies. Enjoy.~

"The task is simple. You head to Point B, retrieve the files then head back to Point A." Your co-agent, Agent 10 explained to the new comer. You seemed really amused since he was explaining it in simplified form. That means this new guy is trouble. Probably slow in grasping things.

You felt your wrist lit up and you immediately tapped it and positioned your hands by your ear. 'Agent 1..'

"Agent 12, come by the office."   The communication ended and you formed a fist to end the call.

You headed towards the portal and typed in Agent 1's coordinates. You stepped inside.

"Agent 1." You greeted him with a nod.

"Agent 12. Please. Sit down." He said as he motioned for the seat in front of his table.

"Cut the crap and just tell me what it is." You answered, still standing.

"Take my son as an apprentice." He pleaded. "Teach him everything so you won't have to work for me. I'll finally help you be moved back to the World history department."  He smirked because he knows that that's what you want. You are doing something illegal but it helped you clear up your debts and you managed to saved some for yourself.

"Son? who?" You asked. He smiled when you took the bait but you were desperate. You wanted to get out of the Music History department.

"You seen him at the training center right?"

"You mean the one Agent 10 is .... I seen him. He can't handle it. I don't even think he is qualified for time travel."

"Do something about it. Or you wouldn't get what you want."


"What is your name?" You asked Apprentice K.

"Jim Regussi." He answered. He tapped his wrist and you immediately covered it.

"Jim, you can't use that identifier here. They don't have this technology in this timeline."

"Crap what am I getting myself into. I'm giving you a rundown. You get in. Head towards the studio. Steal a bunch of song demos."

"Are you sure that they won't recognize me?"

"No one will recognize you. You are already embedded with their everyday routine but be careful. They will still be suspicious if they caught you."

"Okay."  He stood up straight and sighed heavily. You waited for him to get inside the building.

"Well, that's that." You reclined the car seat and made a happy fist. You done it! You succesfully taught that new comer about doing his dad's deeds. In no time you'd be back in World history. Knowing and learning more about different cultures.

You looked at your watch and set the timer. You suddenly hear hasted taps on the window. And when you saw him come back you smiled. That was fast! You lowered the window.

"I can't do it."

"Fucking Circe. We have a deadline. Jim"

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