Chapter 2 ~ Legacies

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One of the boys gets knocked down, he has blond hair. Then another person, a younger girl. We keep helping but it isn't looking to good. Emily tried to help them but it was too late.

"Johnny! Ella!" One of the teenagers screams, "No!"

The teenager gets distracted and gets knocked down as well.

"Guys! Keep fighting!" A blond haired girl yells.

We've been fighting for awhile now, there's only 2 of the teenagers left fighting. One with an eyepatch and looks terrible, and the other is the girl with blond hair. The girl gets knocked down and after the boy. We grab the girl and run off into the woods behind the gas station. We try to lose the pale guys, and we finally outrun them. Jason sets the girl down.

"Hey, hold on. We can help," Shumaila says.

"No, stop. You'll need them," she says, "I'm Number Six we all had these number names but some people prefer to be called a human name. Well at least... they preferred..."

I walk over

"Listen Six, none of this is your fault. And, I'm sorry for your loss." I say

"It's fine," she says, "but you guys... you helped us when you could've run away, why?"

"Because, we're good people! And, sometimes I die for a little action." I say and smile

"Well, now that the garde are gone. We need people to defend Earth... and you guys already proved your trustworthy, so... I guess you'll defend Earth, if you want." She says

"Woah woah woah," Chenoa says, "how would we defend all of Earth against them!? I mean we don't have powers like you!"

"That's just the thing," Six says, "and they are called legacies, not powers. While we thought those pale guys as you say, we were finding ways to permanently transfer our legacies to somebody else. The pale guys are called Mogadorians, or Mogs for short. The others transferred their legacies to me before they died, and since I'm about to die... I'll transfer them to you. Some of them might be different from ours, it's a side effect."

"Okay..." I say, "Well, how do you transfer them?" I ask

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