Chapter One ~ The Fall

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My friends and I were at a gas station buying food for our road trip, we were pretty much in the middle of nowhere so we weren't expecting anything big or weird to happen. But oh boy we were in for a surprise. While we were getting food and one of my friends, Jason, was filling up the car with gas, we heard loud fighting coming from outside.

"What was that!?" I say

"I'm not sure!" Abi says

They seemed to not know what it was either and I looked at my other friends Cody, Fabian, Shumaila, Chenoa, Stela, and Emily. They all looked at me worried like, why were they looking at me?

"Well let's go see what it is!" Cody says excited for adventure.

We all go outside and there was so much fighting, Jason with a shook look on his face was backing up slowly. There seemed to be these teenagers with powers fighting these pale, weird looking guys. The teenagers were way outnumbered! It wasn't a fair fight what so ever! I ran to the car and grabbed a pistol my dad told me to take incase of trouble. I started aiming at the pale guys and shooting, my friends went inside to find anything they could use to help. I had shot a few of these pale men, and one of the teenagers with blond hair notices me. She tells her friends and my friends come out with slingshots, and pocket knives. Cody throws a pocket knife like a tomahawk and it surprisingly hits one. One of the teenagers had been shot, Emily grabs a medical kit and rushes to help the girl.

"Run," the girl says, "you need to run!"

"No!" Emily says, "My friends and I are here to help you! And we aren't going anywhere."

"Suit yourself, " she says, "I'm Marina by the way."

"Nice to meet you Marina," Emily says, "I'm sorry but the wound is to bad and I don't have the right equipment."

"It's okay," Marina says drifting off

A curly haired tan boy teleports to Marina and hugs her begging her to just hold on a few more minutes.

"I love you Eight," Marina says "and I'll see you someday!"

"No!" Eight says as Marina eyes close, he kisses her one last time.

All the teenagers start yelling and screaming, they try to continue fighting but it seems they are being hurt. Then I realize they all have scars on their ankles and a new one is appearing.

I start getting closer to the battle for a better shot, so does my friends.

"Shumaila!" I say, "Can you cover the blond haired boy?"

"Yeah!" Shumaila says

"Jason!" I say "can you cover the tan curly haired boy?!"

"Sure can!" Jason says

"Everybody else!" I say "can you just help me kill as many of those pale guys as possible?"

"Mhm!" they say

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