Chapter 1

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Chapter One

“Seeing death as the end of life is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean.” - David Searls

December 25th the day it had started, or so I think . Pavla sat leaning against the wall, sniffling in cries. Dimitri circled her round arms around her bringing her close. They fit together like two puzzle pieces. Her soft motherly finger traced her face wiping the tears. I stood beneath the leaking pipe and brushed my hair back. It has been a full year, I had kept count. The only thing that probably helped me stay sane. I watched carefully as Dimitri snuggled her daughter singing her a song and within minutes the doe eye girl dozed off. I pulled over the white t-shirt and the jeans I had repeated for over three weeks now. Dimitri silently pushed Pavla on to the rolled up paper towel. Pavla purred turning and went back to sleep. 

“Alik. Merry Christmas” she smiled revealing dimples pushing into her chubby cheeks. Her eyes glowed under the dim light of the moon . Her hazel eyes soften as she held my hand. 

“You must miss him a lot” she said looking down at the picture I held. I looked away as tears of loss of love appeared in her eyes. I nodded trying to smile at her but sighed instead.

“He’s out there some where, surviving just like us.” I said looking at the picture of the seven year old child. I traced the oval face wanting to touch the golden hair but only folded the picture and it went back into my pocket. Dimitri patted me on the shoulder moving behind the stairs and pulled out a can of red kidney beans. 

“Innya darling, can you light a candle” Dimitri said to the red head reading under the lit candle. The yellow light spilled over her face as she looked up with a grin. 

“Here” she said handing it towards Dimitri. She carefully pulled out the knife they had seemed to salvage from the ruins up stairs. 

“I bet you guys are hungry.” Dimitri grinned. Innya nodded shaking Petro. He gasped as he opened his eyes pulling up his fist. 

“For gods sake Petro, put your big sea eyes back into your sockets!” Halina said. Halina pulled up the raw wood and placed her butt over it passing the can to Petro, taking a handful herself. 

“I was having this dream” he said as he dug his hand deep into the can. He frowned looking up at Halina.

“You’re such a fat ass! You took most of it!” he said taking out what ever was left. Dimitri slapped the boy on the back of his head and wagged her finger. 

“You’re only seventeen but you talk like you’re a man. I don’t want you to repeat that word ever.” she warned. Petro shrugged stuffing his face with the food. Halina giggled looking at me.

“Hey Alik! You hungry? I think we have another can in the cellar” she said tossing the can over her shoulder. I grinned at the group of people in front of me. 

I hadn’t expected to find any survivors. Dimitri had stumbled over with Pavla eight months ago trying to get away from the hunger. Pavla was sick ,coughing and wheezing close enough to die, but Dimitri had found her way around from her bunker to mine  She was a fighter, and a mother. I had seen the passion for life in her eyes. I had welcomed her ,Pavla ; Innya ,who just happened to visit Dimitri with cookie offerings the day of the explosion, with open arms. 

Although I had feared accepting Petro and Halina they turned out to be well bred. The two never seemed to stop fighting but couldn’t stay away either. Being only seventeen the cousins seemed to liven up the place entertaining Pavla as well. Halina could impersonate any celebrity, while Petro could sing every note ever introduced into the world. They were talented children , kind, but at times Halina lost her temper and Petro suffered the wrath of her burning eyes.

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