Start from the beginning


( A/N: Annyeongz shippers where u at?!?!?! I wish could do more Annyeongz content on the next chapters huhu I badly want to make those ㅠㅠ )

Wonyoung sighed a little before tucking her hands inside her coat, it wasn't a great day, her not being to make a proper apology for Chuyeon even if she actually visited her in her room when they were in the Hospital, but she wasn't been able to talk to her since she was still unconscious that time.

Her conscience was already killing her, she want to see her so bad, she won't deny the fact that her feelings for Chuyeon didn't even fade a bit.

Although she didn't like her back she was still head over heels for her.

Looking up to the sky as she eyed on the snow that was softly falling from the sky, beautifully covering the surroundings in white, she started walking not even minding what the busy street had.

She stepped on the concrete floor with a mind still full of stress when she felt someone gripped her wrist from behind, pulling her before that one car almost hit her, she could've got an accident more worst than before if it wasn't for that someone who pulled her.

She turn around to see a worried Yujin infront of her, "Gwaenchana?" Yujin asked as she nodded her head. "You look tired," ofc! Girl has work. "you wanna grab some drink?" Yujin asked while smiling eye to eye. "My treat" she added while tilting her head in which Wonyoung actually find cute.

"Yeah sure," Wonyoung only nodded in response before following Yujin from the nearest café.

Both of them settled in a more-quite-not-that-crowded corner of the café.

"You and Chuyeon still hadn't talk right?" Yujin started bringing up as Wonyoung shoot her a sad look.

"She doesn't like me back," she shrugged while fiddling on her cup. "I'm afraid I can't compete with Taeyoung," she added.

"Would you..." Yujin paused a bit before looking up with Yujin, she swore Wonyoung's eyes were too pretty to handle. "mind giving me a chance then?" having her confidence at ease she finally confessed.

Wonyoung had a confuse serious look on her face before blinking her eyes, "W-what?" she started stuttering, she wasn't expecting anything from Yujin.

"What do you mean?" she utterly chuckled while still having that confused face.

"I like you," Yujin kinda praised herself after having all those guts to confess, she know she has to move.


"I know you don't like me cause you like Chuyeon but can we atleast give this one a try?" she asked, drifting her hands across the table before reaching her hands on top of Wonyoung's.

"I promise I'll treat you better more than anyone," she said.

Wonyoung was confused, yet of course like what she said- she can't compete with Taeyoung since he's the one Chuyeon likes and she feel so stupid upon falling in love with her.

"Yujin-ah," she started speaking while looking up to the girl infront of her. "that night where we played trut or dare," she paused a bit, hesitant to say something since she know what she did was audibly wrong. "I actually didn't pick Chuyeon's name," Yujin just smile.

"I know," Yujin said. "Taeyoung was the one who picked her name, I guess that's fate" she smiled. "You picked me right?" Wonyoung eyes immediately got bigger after hearing Yujin.

"How did you know?"

"They told me," Yujin chuckled as Wonyoung smiled along, she doesn't what she felt but this new company with Yujin actually gave her warmth as heart make a thing again.

"So what do you say?" Yujin asked. Wonyoung raised a brow.

"can we date?" a pursed yet pure smile could only be seen on Wonyoung's face before she didn't evwn think twice and nodded her head making Yujin burst in an 'I win' kind of face while squeezing her secret squeals inside or else she'll look like a crazy woman infront of everyone inside the whole café.

Literally, she just want to burst in happiness right now.

They both just holded their laughters and squeals before started drinking their ordered drinks while stealing glances at each other which was actually so cute.


One word: UwUn 😭💅🏻

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One word: UwUn 😭💅🏻

❤️5,678 💬4,654


» what kind of cheating is this? 😤
» wait- you mean? 👁️👄👁️
» yeah- 👁️👄👁️
» did Yujin just check the comment box? 👁️👄👁️
» of course it's Chuyeon 🙄
» that right there mah friend is what we call GAY-SHIT! 👁️👅👁️

[A/N] sorry, but they're like- my main ship in I*zone 😭

hi ㅡ kim taeyoung | ✓Where stories live. Discover now