Everything Seems Fine

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Chapter Two: Everything Seems Fine


"What in the actual fuck shitty hair!" Bakugou shouts angrily at Kirishima with a frown on his face. Kirishima laughs at Bakugou's reaction before taking a step back just in case Bakugou wanted to actually explode. It was a Monday morning and Kirishima was already annoying Bakugou.

"Hey, I thought it was funny!" Kirishima says with a bright smile on his face, his sharp teeth slightly poke out. "You got a little spooked, it's okay!" Kirishima says while trying not to laugh at Bakugou's angry face. Bakugou rolls his eyes at the redhead before walking away.

"What the fuck ever!" Bakugou shouts angrily. Kirishima had sneaked up behind Bakugou while he was closing the door to his dorm. This made Bakugou flinch from the sudden movement behind him, Kirishima has yet to let him live it down.

"Oh come on Blasty!" "Oh come on Blasty!" Kirishima says while trying to catch up to the angry blonde. Bakugou had barely gotten any sleep during the night, he was just able to sleep more than two hours. He was exhausted and was definitely not ready for the long day that was ahead of him.

After Bakugou yells and tries to explode Kirishima's face-off they both make their way to their first class. Kirishima and Bakugou walk into class and immediately have Kaminari throwing himself on both boys with a wail.

"Please save me, Mina says she plans to dye my hair!" Kaminari cries out while clinging to Kirishima and Bakugou. Kirishima laughs loudly while trying to hold onto the squirming blonde. Bakugou on the other hand tries to forcefully push the other blonde off of himself, when he succeeds he takes a seat at his rightful desk.

"Mina, try to do it blue!" Kirishima says while messing up Kaminari's short hair. Kaminari cries out in terror at Kirishima's words. Mina then runs over and grabs the sides of Kaminaris head chanting 'electric blue' over and over again.

Bakugou stares at Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mina. Bakugou was jealous of them, he wished that he was as happy as they were. Bakugou hated that he couldn't experience actually being happy for once.

"Hey you okay bro?" Kirishima asks Bakugou, the blonde snaps his head to look up at the redhead. Bakugou hated that Kirishima had just caught him not paying attention.

"What the fuck?" Bakugou says while pushing Kirishima's concerned face away from his face.

"You looked in a daze, didn't mean to startle you or anything. You had a sad look on your face," Kirishima says to Bakugou with a concerned look in his eyes. Bakugou only rolls his eyes at the redheads' words.

"I don't get sad looks you shitty haired morron," Bakugous says with a sneer that showed off his top row of teeth. Kirishima holds his hands up in surrender in hopes of not angering the blonde too much.

"Oh alright, well you know you have me and the other to talk to if anything is going on right?" Kirishima tells Bakugou with a small smile on his face in hopes of lightening the mood. Kirishima is always ready to help one of his friends out whenever they need it, he grew up not having many people and now that he has them he never wanted to let them go.

"Yeah, whatever," Bakugou says while rolling his eyes at Kirishima's words. Kirishima stares at Bakugou for a moment before sighing.

"Just remember that we are always here for you bro," Kirishima says with a smile on his face. All Kirishima wanted Bakugou to know was that he is always there for him.

"Oh fuck off!" Bakugou growls out with a little frown Bakugou hated when Kirishima told him these things, it always made his heart warm.

Bakugou always felt bad that he never talked to Kirishima about anything personal. Kirishima always told him to come to him if he ever needed to get something off his chest yet he never did.

Kirishima goes back over to Mina and Kaminari who are now trying on each other's shoes. Bakugou watches them mess around and talk about various things, he really wished he was like them.

As soon as the bell rings everyone sits down and waits for the teacher to come into the classroom. The class goes by quickly, Bakugou sat attentively through the entire class like always while Kirishima and the others goofed off.

As soon as class was over he went onto the next one and then the next after that, before Bakugou knew it lunch had arrived. He normally ate lunch alone if he was lucky, most times Kirishima nagged Bakugou to come eat lunch with the group, he declined just like he always does.

Bakugou liked eating alone for some reason, it was probably because he felt uncomfortable when eating around people. Feeling uncomfortable when eating around other people had actually started up when Bakugou was young, he even told Midoriya about it.

Bakugou also ate very little, he didn't like big meals nor did he like anything that sat heavy on the stomach. It wasn't like Bakugou was afraid to put on weight, he just didn't like the thought of eating a lot of food.

So for lunch Bakugou grabbed an apple and a water bottle, he often ate this for dinner but he was a little more hungry today. After Bakugou grabs the apple and water bottle he goes to his dorm room. Going to his dorm room was a bit of a walk but it was far better than sitting at an empty table in the lunchroom.

Once lunch was over Bakugou went back to his classes to finish up the day. As soon as he finished all his classes he went back to his dorm to change into some work out clothes before going to the training room.

Kirishima and Sero were the ones who Bakugou normally trained with. It was very rare for Bakugou to train with Mina, only because she would roast his training clothes.

Kirishima was Bakugou's favorite person to spare with, they often went over moves that would later be used in batel. Bakugou has seen Kirishima get more advanced with his fighting moves, Bakugou felt as though he has not improved at all.

Bakugou knew that Kirishima couldn't train with him today since he was staying after school to work on his failing grades. So Bakugou went to train alone, he didn't mind because it just meant he would be getting some peace and quiet for once.

As soon as Bakugou's fist punched at the punching bag he got lost in his own thoughts. He punched and kicked until his muscles screamed at him to stop.

That night Bakugou went straight back to his dorm room and face planted on his bed. He liked training, it helped him focus on the important things. Bakugou laid on his bed for a few minutes before letting sleep overtake his mind.

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