"Nope. Just haven't found the adoption papers yet." I said. "Fal, you ever found adoption papers in Dad's office?" I asked.

"You're definitely a Carrington." Culhane said. "You know how I know. You're the younger version of Fallon with a sharper tongue."

Fallon went to go see Jeff with I hung out with the boys. Fallon walked back in like 2 hours later.

"He took the bait." Fallon said.

"So he is spying on you. Well that makes it easy. That's illegal, we go to the police." Culhane said.

"His cousin is the chief of Police." Fallon said.

"Then we start with your dad." Austin said.

"No bad idea." I said.

"No, if anyone is gonna nail Jeff it'll be me." Fallon said.

"Blake has resources and we don't know what type of serious blackmail Jeff may have off you and your family." Culhane said.

"You think I don't know that? This is all my fault. My dad warned me again and again not to get involved with Jeff and I didn't listen. Instead I helped his enemy to plant spyware in our house." Fallon said.

"You didn't know." Culhane said.

"Doesn't matter. My dad once blamed me for losing a deal because he got stuck in traffic on the way back from my dance recital. He'll never respect me again." Fallon said.

"Just wear a see through blouse I'm sure that's the only reason he respects Cristal." I said.

"As much as I love you and agree with you. Not the time." Fallon said.

"Sorry." I said.

"So this stays between us four. We need to find out what Jeff knows and where he's storing it." Culhane said.

"Ironically the only IT genius I know is Jeff." Fallon said.

"Actually we know someone who may be able to help us out." Austin said. Austin and I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to Austin's sister sat at the table doing something when Fallon walked in.

"Found it." Fallon said handing Culhane the drive.

"Nice to meet you. You're adorable." Fallon said.

"It's best to ignore her." I said sitting up.

"Do you think your little sister can crack Jeff Colby's spyware?" Fallon asked.

"I may be 17 but I'm a senior at Emery. My thesis is developing behavioural based software for advanced robotics." Evie said.

"What were you doing at that age?" Culhane asked.

"Robbie Reid." Fallon said.

"Whoever programmed the virus found a way to duplicate your emails and sent them to wow 17 different IP addresses." Evie said.

"What does that mean?" Culhane, Austin and I asked.

"I don't know. Stop yelling." Evie said. Fallon and Culhane were talking about sex with there partners.

"Have they forgotten we're here or just think we're deaf?" I asked.

"If you two are done being gross, the most consistent downloads have been to this IP." Evie said.

"Nancy Creek that's where Jeff lives." Fallon said.

"It's probably his private server." Evie said.

"Thanks Evie. I owe you one. But uh Culhane will pay you." Austin said.

"You owe me one Benjamin or I guess I'll just have to tell that your her chauffeur." Evie said. Fallon pulled a wad of cash out.

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