Chapter 2-Fate Is Cruel

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Percy walked through Camp Half-Blood, a typical uneventful day had unfolded. A few people seemed to stare as he walked past, but that wasn't abnormal. His reputation preceeds him. He stepped into his cabin and laid in his bed, knowing that is wasn't long before it was past curfew, a few minutes at best. Relaxing, he began to doze, but was snapped out of his stage of half wakefulness when he heard banging on one of the cabin doors. Assuming it was just a camper that had been shut out as a prank, or perhaps people rough housing in their cabins, he settled himself down, deciding it wasn't anything unusual. However, as he fell into the realm of Hypnos, a certain new demigod, claimed as a child of Nemesis, visited the cabin of those who dream, and, with help from a tonic he had stolen, convinced a camper to send dreams to all he could, showing fake realities of Percy making deals with Titans, secretly harming campers, and plenty of acts even worse. This wasn't the first time this particular dream had been sent through the camp, but this was the final straw. Finally, all save a powerful son of Hades, a strong manipulator of dreams himself, had seen it.

The next morning, Percy strolled to the dining pavilion as per usual, but now everyone, even those who he was closer with, were giving him worrisome looks. Distrust and anger. Choosing to ignore this and keep his thoughts to himself, he went through his usual pattern, wolfing down everything on his plate, practicing swordplay, miserably failing at archery lessons with Chiron, who acted just fine. But when he saw a crowd consisting of 15 angry campers, including some of the more powerful ones, such as Leo, Piper and even Clarisse, he knew something was up. "Hey, loser!" The latter person called, which wasn't too abnormal. "Come over here, and Piper has something to tell you." This had Percy extra concerned. He and the rest of the people there generally got along alright, and he knew firsthand that Piper had some downright scary powerful charmspeak. He could only resist demands he expected to hear from her, and a few more wild ones, things that would forsake his fatal flaw. After a look towards Chiron, who scanned the crowd with narrowed eyes, he walked on over, calmly as he could, which wasn't all that calm, and in rather typical Percy fashion, he tripped before quite reaching them. Nobody even stepped an inch forward to help him. "Percy," Piper began, "Leave the camp and go home for a long time." After falling all over himself trying to sprint towards Thalia's tree, he began his trek.

However, after a minute or so of running, he paused, confused. "What is up with me? Why did she tell me to do that?" Percy mumbled to himself. Turning back, he ran towards camp again. To his surprise, as soon as he got close he noticed that, unlike last time, the group of people consisted of the whole entire camp, which was at least 150 people. Then, they brandished weapons, and marched, in order, towards him. Not knowing how to react, percy disarmed the first one that had come closest to him, and shocking him even further, ended up stabbing a kid who had come out of nowhere. Seeing them bleeding, Percy dropped Riptide on the ground and bent forward to help them. Recognizing Carson from the Nemesis cabin, he realized the kid who was just a year younger than himself was cleverly disguising Annabeth's invisibility cap in his hand. Suddenly, everybody roared in anger and berated him with insults, calling him a traitor, asking how could he do that to poor Carson, and making him shrink under their cries. One voice stood out: his own girlfriend. "Percy, what is wrong with you? Betray us, stab an innocent person, why didn't you leave?" This shocked Percy above all else. He knew something was wrong about the whole situation, but what exactly? He couldn't overcome such a massive group of people, or at least, he wouldn't try to. Seeing no other options, he ran, hard and far as he could, and pressuring him further, Peleus gave him a hard glare, deciding he was the cause of the problem. Unwilling to risk any confrontation, the son of Poseidon left, looking back every step of the way. Getting one final view of his home, which he had spent so many years protecting. He knew something was wrong with the campers, but maybe, just maybe, he deserved this. His mind having flashbacks to the river Acheron, his countenance darkened further, and he held himself to this punishment. Changing paths, Percy ran to the nearest forest, and there he lost himself, for years on end.

Training, shooting arrows, hunting, bathing, resting. The days blurred together. Demigods were sent to the camp, claiming to have been protected by an unnamed person. Few people ever knew details. According to those who had been guided by him, supposedly he kept himself covered as much as possible, only visible parts of him being green eyes, tanned hands, and a few facial features that didn't give anyone an idea of his expression. He had a sword used to destroy monsters, which he did with ease, no matter what it was. Nobody could ever make out any details of the weapon either, they said he fought and moved much too rapidly to see a thing. A bow was strapped to his back, a quiver that seemed relatively empty next to it. On command, arrows seemed to embed themselves in his targets, appearing when there were believed to be none. When rumors of this man had gotten out, the campers had guesses of who it could be, and of course Percy topped the list. However, his ability to be accurate with a bow made many doubt this idea, and others give it up completely. Some thought they were a god in disguise. Others just didn't care. Percy's reputation in the camp was more or less spoiled, few souls believing he was ever just. The effects of whatever had gone over the campers on the day they kicked him out had long since worn off, but due to the disappearance, the ideas they had come up during that day kept circulating around camp, and eventually most everyone believed the ideas to be true to some extent, and the son of Nemesis was living evidence that Percy had attacked a camper, a scar in his stomach to remember the time Riptide had pierced it. Even those closest with the legendary demigod had a hard time believing his innocence, including Annabeth, who had moved on from the incident with a slightly torn heart. In the meantime, those at Camp Jupiter had no idea of their loss, and Nico was much too late to vouch for Percy, as by the time he had learned he was ousted, his friend had vanished. Finally, The Hunters of Artemis were clueless to the whole ordeal, and only several months after the son of Poseidon's disappearance did any of them find he was gone. Thalia refused to relent on the topic for a long, long period of time, yet with enough pressuring, distractions and jobs to do, she had to accept Percy was lost for good. Most never knew of the true reason Percy had left, but they took it with a grain of salt. So, the boy stayed in the woods, being a mysterious hero with unmatched talent, grieving and punishing himself. He was truly an estranged character.

1273 Words

AN: I'm not sure if i'm very pleased with how this chapter was written. The whole "betrayal" scene sounds mediocre at best to me. Should I rewrite the beginning of this chapter? Or does it sound fine to you? Let me know!

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