"Well, I'm Harry. That's James, Danny and Kyle." He pointed to each of the guys in order of their named. I scoffed at them. They had such boyband-y names, it was pretty amusing. Natasha whacked my arm.

"I know, I'm a fan of you guys." She batted her eyelshes at them, causing me to gag. I gained a dissapointing look from her.

"I'm assuming your friend is not a fan." Blondie- I mean James, joined in the conversation. To say I wasn't a fan would be an understatement. It would even be considered a compliment. I absoultely hated Crash and Burn. Their music was over rated and they didn't deserve to be classified as pop punk. As you can tell, I hated boybands with a passion.

"Now why would I be a fan of yours?" I let out a dry and sarcastic laugh."

"Do you not know who we are?" Danny- I think- spoke. Wow, those dudes had massive egos. Just because I wasn't a fan, didn't mean I was oblivious to who they were. I mean, it's not like everybody worshiped the ground they walked on.

"Oh wow, you have a massive ego, don't ya. Your name is a prediction of your bands future. You're gonna Crash and Burn." I said, proud of my pun. And with that, I resumed my music yet once again. But this time I turned up the volume to drown out Natasha's apologies and Crash and Burn.

I looked up to see Harry talking to me. Had he not learned his lesson? "What do you want?" I spoke through gritted teeth. At that point, I was so done.

"Is that Hotel Ceiling by Rixton?" He asked. To be completely honest, I was a bit taken aback. The song, at that point in time, wasn't that well known and I was suprised he knew it. Sure, Crash and Brn said in interviews that they liked bands but I never believed them. I blinked a few times at him.

"Yeah." I responded. He probably only knew it because Ed Sheeran wrote it. I noticed his Mayday Parade t-shirt and couldn't resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"What?" He asked.

"Mothing, it's just that I hate it when people wear merch from bands they don't even know or like."

"Who says I don't like Mayday Parade?" He raised an eyebrow at me, amused.

"Name five songs." I challenged." That's how you know a true fan.

"Miserable at Best, Terrible Things, Angels, Hold On To Me oh and my personal favourite, I Swear This Time I mean It." He spoke confidently. It was as though he had stolen my favourite songs from my brain.

That jerk.

"Whatever." I bitterly replied.

"Harry, what did you do? You shut sass master up." James laughed, patting Harry's back. Good one, that obviously boosted Harry's already big ego.

Before I could reply, Syco placed a piece of paper on my desk. My timetable.

Oh, joy. If I had a class with the boys, I would die.

"What classes do you have?" Natasha asked me. We held our timetables together, seeing what we had together.

"English and Music only?!" Natasha pouted. Last year we had every single class together. It was brilliant.

"What classes do yuo guys have?" Natasha asked Crash and Burn. When they responded I sighed. The joys of being me- note the sarcasm. You see, I had at least one of them in every class I had.

Music: Danny, James and Kyle
English: All of them
Maths: Kyle
Drama: Harry, James and Kyle
Dance: Danny and Ky-

Wait a minute! Kyle was in every single one of my classes! I was going to be stuck with him and the trail of cologne he left everywhere.

Lord have mercy.

"Great, Annabelle can show Kyle to all of his classes." Natasha volunteered me. Nuh-uh. I didn't think so. He would just have to get lost like every new student. He looked up at me with a smirk on his face.

"No thanks, I don't need a tail." I replied to her.

"No tail? But every bi-" Danny hit Kyle on the back of his head. He was my new favourite.

Hold on. Was Kyle going to say every female dog needed a tail?!

"Kyle would be honoured to be your tail. Ain't that right?" Danny spoke, giving Kyle a threatening look. I liked this guy. In response Kyle mumbled something probably rude under his breath.


A/N: Thank you oh so very much for choosing to read 'Crash' :D

You should also check out my other book 'The Bad Boy's Crush' oh and Vote and Comment and all that jazz :)x

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