I feel a piercing sting on my cheek, much like how Lady Elizabeth had done before. "Don't raise your voice at me." I place a hand on my bruised cheek and nod, her hit was much worse than Elizabeth's. "Use the dagger, I know you have it by now." She curses lowly, "I still don't see how your father became an angel after associating with those....things."

I flinch a little and frown, "where is Father?" She glances at me without emotion. "He's home, he refused to attend. Even after I was almost begging he said he didn't want to see his failure of a daughter." I look down and she grabs my face in one of her hands and forces me to look at her. "Just listen to me and your father will begin to perhaps care."

I bit my lip and nod, "yes Mother." She let's my face go and turns away, "oh and don't refer to me as your mother around others. Your father says its a revolting display." Her tone reminds me of Madam Red, a lie. Father has never said anything like this.

"Time for you to leave child," she announces as she begins to walk away. She pauses and looks back. "Oh and next time I see you, you'd better have disposed of your counter and that demon you're with." I nod and look to the ground. "Amelia! Don't li-!" I hear my father's voice as I'm sent back.

Angel Unknown ~ Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora