Imagine Josh Hutcherson :)

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Josh and you have been fighting for a week because the press has been saying that he's dating his ex. You want to believe it's not true but he's been secretive lately so you don't know what to think but it's Josh he wouldn't cheat on you. Your thinking about calling him and setting things right when the phone rings it's Josh.

"Hey, are you still mad at me?" He asks, you hear the doorbel...

l ring.

"No of course not I never can stay mad at you." You tell him while you get up and get the door. "Good" you hear him say from the phone and the doorway.

"Josh!" You yell as you jump into his arms, he kisses you long and sweet. When he pulls his head back you frown a little.

"You know I love you right?" He whispers

"Of course I do and I love you too." You say breathless no matter how many times you kiss him it still takes your breath away. He releases you from his arms and you can't help to frown a lot. He laughs so you stick your tongue out at him. He blows out a big breath, you know there must be something on his mind.

"I've been thinking we've been together for 2 years now....." He says with a worried expression


Your heart starts beating fast and you think you know what's coming, that he's going to ask you to move in with him. You think you know what's coming....... until he gets on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" He asks your too stunned to say or do anything, you see him frown. That snaps you out of it.

"Yes!" You squeal, that makes him smile. He gets off the ground, puts the ring on your finger and kisses you for what feels like only a few seconds when he stops his face just centimeters from yours. It's so tempting to kiss him again but he obviously has something to say....

"We might want to get inside and close the door."

You realize that you have been in the apartment hall the whole time so you blush a little, he smiles even more.

"Good idea." You whisper knowing the noise probably woke all of your neighbors up, but knowing your neighbors they are probably right next to the door spying. You grab his hand and walk into the apartment then close the door, if the neighbors want to show they can watch TV. You walk to the couch and sit as he let's go of your hand, walks into the kitchen and says "Usual movie night food right?"

"Yes and instead of boring you with chick flicks we can watch anything you want." You say getting comfortable

"You know what I want to watch."

"Anything I want, I know but for once I don't have a movie I want to see."

"I don't belive that" he says bringing out the snacks.

"Okay, I have movies I want to watch but tonight I want to watch a movie you pick out."

He picks out a movie you heard him talk about when you went to dinner two weeks ago, he gets on the couch and lays a blanket over you. You lay your head on his shoulder, your more comfortable than you have ever been. 15 minutes into the movie you get tired, you realize you've been up for almost 24 hours thinking about Josh and the fight you were having. You don't know how you went from fighting to being engaged in less than two hours but you like it.

You wake up in your bed cuddled up with Josh. You don't want to wake him but you have to go get Christmas presents for your family. As you try to slip out of his arms he grabs you and pulls you in closer. You laugh and say "Josh I have to go get Christmas presents."

"So?" You hear him mumble

"So I would like to get up and get them now."

"Okay so when are we planning on leaving?"

"We are...

not, I am because you will just attract a crowd and I don't want to be trampled today."

"Fine I will be incognito." He whispers you laugh then say "Incognito as what?"

"A normal person ssshhhh."

Your thinking about letting him go even though he never can be incognito. The real reason you don't want him to go is your meeting up with your best friend to go shopping and you think she will feel like a third week because her boyfriend broke up with her. You decide just tell him the truth.

"Truthfully you can't go its going to be shop therapy." You say, you see him frown just a little.

"Okay but can I have the key back? So if I ever want to make dinner for you before you get home I can."

You forgot all about taking his key away when you were fighting but you know were you put it. So you open the drawer and dig the key out and give it to him.

"I was thinking if we're getting married then who's place are we going to move into I have a lease for 4 more months then I'm done and the apartment is too small for the both of us. Your place is nice and cozy and its beautiful, I would love to move in there but its your choice what do you want to do josh?"

"Why is it my choice? You said my place was nice and cozy if you want you can move into my place and I will pay of your lease."

"That seems nice but I can pay to terminate my own lease." You say as you get up and walk to your closet and pick out a comfortable jumper, a tank top and some comfortable jeans. You go to the bathroom to shower, then you get hanged and brush your teeth. You walk into your room and see Josh is gone your heart drops. Then you think......Knowing Josh he most likely left to go get breakfast. Oh sit down at your vanity table and start putting on your makeup, you don't hear him come in so you don't he there until he come in sight on your mirror.

"Why are you putting makeup on? Your hut going to the mall." He sighs, you have explained to him thousands of times but he never understands it.

"I'm putting makeup on to go to the mall because if I don't my skin will get oily and I don't like going out of the house without makeup on." You explain but know he heard every word but will never understand.

"Well I think your beautiful without makeup."

"You and what army?"

He laughs and you turn your head to kiss him.

"All the world, that's my army."

Imagine Josh Hutcherson :)Where stories live. Discover now