Part 6

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Halloween in charms class "no no stop your gonna take someone's eye out besides your saying it wrong it's leviosa not leviosaw" said Hermione. "Well if your so smart you do it then" said ron angrily. Hermione pointed her wand at the feather "wingardium leviosa" then the feather started floating up. "Great excellent look Mrs grangers done it" said professor flitwick cheerfully. She looked snugged and Ron looked angry. After class Ron said "your doing it wrong it's leviosa not leviosaw what a nightmare honestly no wonder she ain't got any friends" said ron sarcasticly. Hermione ran by crying to the bathroom. Later that day at the feast professor quirrel girl runs in yelling "troll in the dungeons thot you wanna know" than she passes out. Dumbledore says "prefects lead your house to the common rooms" but before anything Hadrian yells "slytherin common rooms is in the dungeons. Dumbledore looked sorry then said "Slytherin stay in here and prefects pratrol on the doors". Then everyone does what their suppose to except Charlie and Ron. "Hermione doesn't know let's get then get back because I don't want to lose house points" said Charlie. But as they got to the girls bathroom they see the troll enter and they run in like idiots. They run in and see the troll and hermione "Hermione move come on hurry up" said Charlie madly. She doesn't move and looks stunned and Ron says "wingardium leviosa" and the troll levitates in the air and Ron drops it and Hermione runs up to them and bring them in a hug."Thank you Charlie and Ron and I'll never correct you again and only if you ask how" said Hermione. Then the teachers appear and 'sorceresses stone scene happens' after that they never friends.

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