Part 1

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It was October 31st in 1981 and Lady Voldemort has just arrived. She blast open the door and kills Charlus Potter straight away. Then walks up the stairs and sees Dora. "Don't hurt my nephews just me not them" Dora said.
"Just stand aside and I will spare you" Lady Voldemort said."Never" said Dora."Avada kadavra" said Lady Voldemort. She walks to the crib and sees two kids Hadrian aka harry and Charlie.She checks both of their magical cores and sees that Hadrian's is bigger she then points her wand at him."I'm sorry Hadrian but it has to be done" said Lady Voldemort as Hadrian stands up in the crib and looks at her."Avada kadavra" whispered Lady. Right as it hits Hadrian it rebounds on to Lady Voldemort and kills her. The shockwave afterwards knocks Hadrian out of the crib and he gets knocked out as a bit of the roof collapse and left a V on Charlie. A few minutes later dumbledore appears and takes Charlie downstairs before seeing the V on his forehead and sees Hadrian. Then he puts a invisibility charm on him 'I think thats a thing' then proceeds and walks downstairs to see the panicked Potter's come through the floo. They see dumbledore with Charlie and breathe a sigh of relief before wondering where Hadrian was. Dumbledore realizing this gives them a sad look and says "Hadrian is dead along with Charlus and Dora" Lily and James
break down crying."But, Charlie here killed Lady Voldemort making him the boy who lived" said dumbledore. Lily and James ran over and brought Charlie out of dumbledore's hands into a group hug.

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