"Wow that's gone quick.. what brings you both here?" She asks and I look down to my hands. "We did a home pregnancy test four weeks ago and it said I was seven weeks pregnant." I stop before looking up at her "I'm bleeding this morning, it's quite a lot more than the time before.." I whisper and she frowns a bit.

"Okay. Let's not worry too much; we'll get you to do a urine sample for me and then we'll give the baby a check over" she smiles warmly and hands me a clear pot. I take it and exit the room. Heading to the toilets and doing the sample before entering the room again.

They're both by the bed, Jamie is sat down waiting on the chair for me and Naomi is sorting the ultrasound scanning machine. "Just put it on the desk for me" she says and I do, before making my way over to them.

"If you could just climb up and get comfy" she smiles and I do as she's asked, Lifting my top over my tiny bump that looks like I'm just boated. "This will be a bit cold" she smiles as she squeezes the gel over the lower part of my stomach. Jamie takes my hand in his as she uses the probe to gently move the gel around.

I gaze at Jamie the whole time, until a fast heartbeat fills the room. "Is that mine?" I mumble and she smiles at me widely. "It's the baby's heartbeat" she turns the screen to us and in the black and white photo you can just make out the baby's body shape.

"They're okay?" Jamie grins. "He or she is doing absolutely perfect.." she grins and I giggle a bit, tears falling as Jamie wipes them. "Thank god" I smile shyly and Jamie kisses me softly . "Can you see this here" she points to a white lining where the baby is resting. We nod.

"That's the lining of your stomach, they'd be a line of blood there, we call bleeding like this implantation bleeding" she says and I think we're both frowning, because she giggles. "Basically the sac with the baby in is getting comfy in your womb ready to grow for the next few months" she chuckles and I giggle. "Oooh".

"There's the heartbeat" she points out and I grin, nodding. As we're watching the screen the baby flutters around and we get a chance to see the hands moving. "Aw Jamie look" I grin, looking to him as he grins too. "Absolutely amazing" he whispers gazing at the screen.

Naomi takes the probe again and moves it lower. "How far gone should you be?" She asks. "Hmmm, about twelve weeks now I think? Give or take a few days" I pout to Jamie and he nods a bit agreeing. "I'd say you were more thirteen weeks" she continues looking to the screen.

"Baby looks bigger than twelve weeks" she pouts. "Here you can wipe your stomach now" she hands me tissue and I wipe it before sitting up. She's back at her desk so we follow. "I would've liked to have given you a due date today but I think we'll book in a few weeks so I can assess the size of baby a little more and we'll set you a date then" she smiles warmly as we sit down.

"Okay, thank you so much" I smile, watching as she hands Jamie the card with the scan photos in. He's been quiet, it makes me pout. "But everything is okay?" Jamie asks her and I see it. He's still worried. "You heard that heartbeat. It's got to be one of the strongest I've heard." She smiles and he releases a deep breath.

"This type of bleeding and cramp is normal for early pregnancy stages. Yes it's a worry, but only if it's really bad bleeding" she smiles a bit and I nod. "Honestly can't thank you enough" I smile "it's my job. I managed to get a little video of the baby fluttering around earlier that I'll send to you" she smiles, handing me my appointment book.

"Thank you" I grin and stand as we say our goodbyes. I check the time as we leave; 3:27pm. I pout, thinking we should go get Charlotte. "Are you okay? You've barely said anything." I say softly as we get back to the car. "I was so terrified.. for you, for the baby" he sighs, rubbing his hands over his face as we climb into the car.

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now