Beautiful but Empty

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Time doesn't Exist...
You won't need food to survive...

If you are taken care of in the real world then being in a comatose state is just a vacation.

People are known to get stuck in a world they love. Some worlds can be arcades, fairs, or even water parks.

Whatever it may be the reason why this world fits the person is because it's memorable enough to them that they can remember each detail.

The only thing that reminds people that there not in the real world is the sky and the plants.

The one constant thing that everyone faces is that no matter how beautiful the world maybe they would always be the only person to see it.

No animals nor any imaginary person can exist in these worlds.

But there is an exemption...

People think that staying long in that state is the worst possible outcome but one person learned that there was something far worst than not waking up.

He never knew that one day he would meet the person that saves him and at the same time ends him or maybe it's the other way around.


I was inspired by a trailer where they describe what extraordinary possibilities coma dreams can hold. I want to make this packed with interesting impossible chapters that would make you wonder at the end and say...

"What if it's True."

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