"So ya'll just gonna let her talk to me like that!? Megan?" said Kelsey

"Normani is grown we are not her parents. She can she what she wants." said Jonathan

I was about to say something to ease the tension but my phone started to ring

"Could you please turn the music down I'm getting a phone call?" I asked

"Ciao mamma e papà. Come stai?"  (Hi mom and dad. How are you?)

Y/N, Siamo nella vostra scuola. Perché non sei qui?" (Y/N we are at your school. Where are you?)

"Scusa mamma, sono con Normani in Texas per le vacanze di primavera.Non sapevo che ragazzi stiamo arrivando."  (Sorry mom I'm with Normani in Texas for spring break. I did not know you guys we're coming)

"Va bene tesoro che avremmo dovuto chiamare prima di presentarsi.Ti lasto, ma quando hai un po 'di tempo chiamaci abbiamo alcune cose da discutere . (It's okay honey we should have called before we showed up. I'll let you go, but when you have some time call us we have some things to discuss.)

Ok, aspetta mamma due cose. Uno hai ottenuto i miei risultati?Due si può dire a papà di smettere accidentalmente di mettermi in una telefonata a tre con lui e la zia P.  ( Okay, wait for Mom, two things. Did you get my results? Two can be told to dad to accidentally stop putting me in a three-way call with him and Aunt P.) 

Sì, lo farò. Tua zia ha aggiornato i nostri telefoni in modo che stia ancora cercando di capire come usarlo. Ti amo. (Yes I will do that, your aunt upgraded our phones and he's still trying figure out how to use it. i love you.)

Ti amo a mamma Ciao(Love you to mom, bye)

Megan's Pov:

Not gonna lie as soon as I saw Y/N standing with 4oe I was intrigued. One she's insanely gorgeous, two 4oe doesn't just let anyone hold him. He's known Kelsey for years and still can't stand her. Speaking of Kelsey I don't know what her problem is but she needs to relax. I'm trying to have a drama free night. I wanted to keep listening to Y/N speak but she got a phone call. Y/N is  intriguing the fact that she can play all of those instruments and is a double major in college. Is crazy. It doesn't help that she has a little accent. I can't tell where it's from but I like it.  

"Ciao mamma e papà. Come stai?"

She can speak Italian too, she just became so much more hotter

"Mani Y/N can speak Italian?" I asked

"Yeah she speaks Italian, French and Spanish." said Normani

"Wait really all of those languages, Mani you weren't kidding when you said she's smart

"I meant to ask what club are we going to?" asked CayDee

"I don't know the name of the club but it's new and everyone has been talking about" said Kelsey

"Okay it better be a bomb ass club cause last time you took us somewhere Kelsey, those strippers stank." I said wishing I could forget that night.

We pulled up to the club and Kelsey wasn't lying the line to get into the club goes all the way down the block. We get out of the car and walk up to the bouncer. Y/N is still on the phone she needs to hurry up. 

"Hi we're on the list." said Kelsey

"What's the name under miss?" asked the bouncer

"Pete." She said

She couldn't of used her own last name she just had to use mine.

"I'm sorry but there's no Pete on the list." he said

Girl of My Dreams -Megan Thee StallionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora