First Meeting

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In the last part of this chapter (the scenario for Hoodie) there is a scene of attempted sexual assault. Please do not read if you worry it will trigger or upset you.

Jeff the Killer:

The sound of children screaming and laughing filled the air, along with a cool breeze that gently blew your hair. It was a beautiful night, not a cloud in the sky to hide the bright stars and full moon. It was Halloween night, and you were having the time of your life. You decided to skip the party the rest of your friends were at, and just trick or treat like old times with your best friend. They were a simple skeleton, while you were a clown.

"Hold on a moment." You said, and you both stopped. Something had caught your attention. You were trick or treating in your neighborhood, which was across from a dark four hundred acre forest. People really only entered on the hiking trails, but despite there being none nearby someone had just walked out of the trees and made a group of children squeal in fear. You frowned and looked around before stomping across the street, your friend calling after you.

You hated people like that, jerks on Halloween who scared children or people younger then them. Total assholes. You approached the man, but some of the anger driving you forward evaporated when you got a closer look. Not only was he taller then you, at least 5'10 (probably more like 6 feet), but you could understand why the children screamed. He had pale skin, messy dark hair, and bloody slits in the corners of his mouth. His white hoodie was covered in splatters of fake blood, and he was holding a stained knife. You gulped and stared at it nervously. It looked real.

A wolf whistle brought you back to your senses. Your rage from before was rekindled within a second, and you walked right up to his face, forgetting the knife in an instant. "Who the hell do you think you are?! Scaring children like that is-is- just childish and- and incredibly stupid and immature and just mean!" You spat, so pissed you had some trouble forming your sentences. The man stared at you blankly, you were satisfied at the shocked look on his face.

"I . . . didn't even mean to-" He grumbled, but you interrupted him. "Well don't do it again!" You snapped and walked away. "Wow . . . that sure was something." Your friend said as you rejoined them, and you smiled. "I know, I totally gave them a talking to didn't I?" F/N looked up at you, they had been looking behind you. "What? Oh, yeah that was awesome, but I was talking about the way he was checking you out just now. Crazy." You whipped around, but the man was walking away.


Ben Drowned:

"Woooah . . ." You sighed, staring wide eyed at the game before you. You had previously bought Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask from a garage sale down the street, and despite it glitching, freezing, and generally acting rather creepy, you remained amazed and in a very good mood. A box appeared along with some text that read: You met with a terrible fate, haven't you? "A terrible fate? . . . But I'm doing pretty good . . ." You said slowly, your words slurred. Almost as if the game itself was frustrated by your happiness, your character burst into flames quite suddenly and quickly died. Instead of being distressed, you giggled at Link's painful wriggling, and then laughed quite loudly when a black and white image of Link popped up with something leaking out of his mouth and big black pits for eyes. Usually, you'd find this very disturbing, but you were so high off your ass you found the simplest thing amusing.

The screen glitched and turned black. And then a hand popped out of the television, reaching for you. You simply stared, baffled. After the hand came an arm, and then a shoulder, and then a head followed. The head looked up at you, and you stared into its black pits for eyes for what seemed like forever, the blood dripping down its face and the tiny red orbs in the sockets mesmerizing you. It took you a while to realize that the figure currently climbing out of your TV looked like Link, except the blood and red eyes part. It took you a long time to realize a lot of things, like, for example, that people don't usually crawl out of televisions. By the time you remembered this, the figure had climbed completely out of the screen and was now standing over you.

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