Low Clearance - designing with cut off images

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When you're searching for PNG images you'll find many where things are cut off the edges of the image. Usually, the model's head goes off the top of the image. You can still use these images it simply takes a bit of creativity to do it. 

You do not want to end up with a cover like the one below

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You do not want to end up with a cover like the one below. No one is wandering around out there without the top of their head. This is a lazy design. You'd never see a professional designer create something like this for a published book. No publishing house would ever hire them again.

 No publishing house would ever hire them again

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Readers do judge books by the covers. If they saw this cover on your book they might believe you didn't care enough to choose a good cover so did you also not care enough about your writing to make it perfect? If this happens they might move on and never give your book a chance. You must always think of your book as an entire package. It isn't simply about the writing on the pages. Everything must present the book in the best light possible to grab a reader's attention and make them want to read your book. 

If you have an image that is hacked off then all you need to do is make the image larger and move it to the top of the cover

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If you have an image that is hacked off then all you need to do is make the image larger and move it to the top of the cover. This way you have no idea that the original image is cut off at the top. This makes it appear as if you placed it there on purpose. You can place a gradient over the bottom so no one knows that her entire body isn't present. This cover is more pleasing to the eye than the other one.

I'd much rather have this cover, wouldn't you?

I'd much rather have this cover, wouldn't you?

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There are many times when you'll need to think outside the box to come up with a solution for whatever issue you may be having. This fix isn't one I came up with, my friend Holly taught me this trick. 

You do not have to be out there all alone and floundering when you're stuck. There are tons of designers, find one, or more, and you can learn from one another. Not everyone knows everything. You may know how to do something someone else doesn't and they may know something you don't. We are not in competition. We are a community and we should be there to assist one another. It is the same with the author community. 

You can't learn if you aren't willing to listen to others and learn from their experience.

Cover It - Some Basics for Cover DesignWhere stories live. Discover now