It is what it is ... and it's a damn shame *updated 4/06/23*

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·..·'¯'·..Date in the title indicates when things were last added..·'¯'·..·

To begin, I am a very straightforward person, I don't dance around things or sugar coat it. I will tell you exactly what I think straight out, it isn't meant to be rude it is simply how I am. I'm halfway to dead, lol, I've lived more than twice as long as most people on this site. In short, I'm old. I don't know everything, but I've been on this Earth for a half a century and I know things.

We will talk our way through a lot in this book. I'm not a graphic design expert, but I do okay and I'm more than happy to share what I've learned if anyone cares to listen. I've noticed that lately we have a boatload (like a Titanic sized boatload, maybe the Queen Mary, it's a lot) of new designers that have suddenly shown up on Wattpad, while a lot of the veterans have left. Leaving little guidance for the new folks.

Many of the newbies don't seem to know very much about design (or common courtesy). Yet, despite knowing very little, they're holding contests and judging graphics. And inevitably what happens is the person who wins is either their bestie or someone who's graphics they gushingly tell everyone are just FAB! If you're going to hold a contest at least try and be impartial and judge based on skill and not what you think is cool. Better yet, hire judges who have a lot of graphic design experience. 

Below are a few pointers for everyone, on basic things you should and shouldn't do, if y'all care to listen to an old lady who has been at this a while. I've 'titled' each one to let you know if it's a designer based thing, a requester based thing, or something everyone should know. You certainly don't need to read all of them, but I do suggest you read everything. It may come in handy to know it some day ;) 


 Do not EVER under any circumstances post on another designer's (or group's) graphic shop and tell someone you can make a graphic for them. It's rude. Would you want random folks popping into your design shop and trying to poach customers? I do not care if the person's request was denied, it's just very rude to do this sort of thing. If you want to offer then PM them and do it privately, there is no excuse for posting on someone else's book in an attempt to gain customers for yourself. How would it look if Walmart employees were wandering around Target trying to get people to come over and shop at Walmart? Tacky, right? 


If you'd like to request a graphic READ THE DESIGNER'S (or group's) RULES! Nearly all shops have their own forms, and surprise surprise, they'd like you to use them.  Not to mention, most designers list the graphics they make. If you just post and say, "Do you make covers?" it tells them you haven't read the rules or anything else in their shop. 


Need a graphic .... DO NOT SHOP HOP! Designers spend a lot of time on the graphics they make and if you request from multiple shops at once they feel as if they're wasting their time.  Many Wattpad designers belong to multiple groups as well as having their own graphics shop. If you shop hop there's a pretty decent chance they'll find out.

Definition of shop hopping: requesting the SAME graphic from several shops/designers at once. If you've requested and been denied elsewhere or your graphic was delivered already then your request is closed at that shop. It's only shop hopping if you have multiple requests open at the same time in different places for the same graphic. It is NOT shop hopping if you request multiple DIFFERENT graphics at different shops. Do be aware that a lot of designers have a posted rule on how long you must use the delivered graphic, so if you accept a cover then go request another one that you may be required to have the first one you accepted up for a period as deemed by the designer.

Cover It - Some Basics for Cover DesignWhere stories live. Discover now