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Her head lifted up, turning away and she knew he was smiling down at her waiting to hear her answer and she sighed, " Let's talk when we're married. " Mumbling as she dragged him through the streets.

But she squeezed his hand, catching him off guard. She never grew tired of his surprised expressions that she grew so fondly for, he may have an airhead tendency and mindset but she couldn't ask for anything better.

" But I can promise you that I'll be there every step of the way so that one day, that can be a reality. "

His gaze narrowed onto her and she flashed her fangs as a grin allowing his face to soften to a reluctant smile. His tail never took a break from swinging side to side.

Legoshi can survive well enough as a tail-wagging misfit of society, trying to find a way of life as long as he has (Y/n) by his hip.

" So what's the plan now then? I only have community service for taking part in fighting but that's it. " (Y/n) chirped, curious time knew what's his next move of action and he remained silent- still unsure himself but he had a good idea. He continued to guide her up the stairs to a cliff while he spoke.

" After all, I'm not in university, I'm not employed, and on top of that I'm an ex-convict. " She nodded at his words, listening to him continue, " I have to find a way of life that's right for me.. Then maybe, I can live life as an adult without regrets for both of us. "

Her lips curved to a smile but her eyes enlarged at the new six words that escape his lips,

"I'm gonna drop out of school. "

He admires her beauty silently while she remained silent, a small smile on her lips was displayed. The two then spared a glance at the view of the city from the cliff, noting the people that walked among the streets.

The soft breeze lingered through fur, the sun reflecting down onto their forms. He couldn't help himself when she looked so enticing that he leaned forward to capture her lips into his- her slowly sinking in.

She pulled away, her lips grazing against his, " As I said, every step of the way. "

Legoshi places a peck before leaning away to lift his head to look down at the scenery. He'd be lying if he said it was prettier than the female beside him.

" How was the conference with the police anyway? " Her boyfriend chirped and her shoulders shrugged as if it were nothing- just a plain old interrogation.

The two slowly stepped away from the cliff, hand in hand in a random direction of the city but little did they know while they conversed;

There were others chatting about the couple.


" What's this all about? "

A deep voice spoke, not lifting his eyes off the file on a recent incident. He studied the photo of the teenage male that was displayed in his mugshot. He read the information about the incident, repeating out loud, " A seventeen year old wolf ate his friend's foot? "

The horse slammed the file onto the table below, " This happens all the time. Hell, the media would eat this to pieces- why do you want to censor it? "

𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 - legoshi.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz