Chapter 17- A Beautiful Dream

Start from the beginning

I then turned to look at my passenger window, and looked once more at the beautiful scenery. The beautiful pastel blue sky with its pastel pink colored flowers added more detail, made it seem out of a fantasy novel. Something warm was placed on my hand, I turned to see Al's right hand. I turned to look at him who still stared at the road in front of him, but his smile was a bit wider.

I smiled too, feeling very fuzzy that right in this moment I was with Al, and I wouldn't trade places to be anywhere else. When I was here with him, I felt like I could be myself, and be less reserved than I am at home. I wasn't the Princess and Heir to the throne of Hell. I was Charlie, the human, who sought out for excitement and stared at everything of earth, and thought of it as beautiful.

A few minutes happened before Al stopped on the side of the road. I looked around, there wasn't any building, it was just grass as far as I could see, with a few patches of wildflowers blooming. Leaving a scent similar to honey in the air, making the breeze seem crisp.

Al got out of the car, and got the basket from the backseat then came over to my side, and opened the door.

"Thank you good sir." I told him while giggling as I reached out for his hand. He closed the door behind me and offered me his hand to escort me.

I faced the scenery from where we were, feeling my dress blow on my legs, and my short hair blowing all over the place. Excitement filled me inside I couldn't hide it as I couldn't stop smiling and my cheeks started hurting.

"Not here My Dear, follow me." He told me as he guided me across the street. Under the tall grass that reached our knees, there was visible remains of what used to be a pathway of stones, that eroded with time, covered with moss and vines. I could feel how we moved uphill, and pushed through the grass that seem to tangle on our legs. Al Waited for me, and as I reached the top of the hill, I was speechless.

"What do you think My Dear?"

A field of pink and yellow flowers, grew wildly, and were probably the same height as me. They surrounded a large lake, it's water a beautiful shade of blue that also seemed like a mix between blue and green.

"It's so beautiful.." I said, taking in every detail of this moment. A sight like this in hell, would never be real.

"It really is My Dear." I heard Alastor as I turned to look at him who was already staring at me.

"I took it upon myself to prepare things earlier today." He pointed over to the dock, and the basket he held.

"Al.. this is.. very thoughtful. Thank you so much!" I told him as I hugged him, and felt him hug back. No one had ever done something like this for me.

"Let's go My Dear, you have yet to see the best part." He told me as he held my hand and guided me through the stone path in the field. The pink and yellow flowers brushed over us and I stretched out my hand to feel them. As I followed him I looked around us, and I was amazed how simply beautiful everything was. It felt like a dream.

Once we reached the small dock, Al opened the basket and pulled out a rolled up red and white checkered picnic blanket. He extended it and guided me to sit down. I sat down and placed both my legs to the side since I was wearing a dress. Al sat across from me and set down the basket and opened it. He got out a pink wine bottle and two glasses, along with his jambalaya, a bowl filled with berries, strawberries and raspberries, and finally a couple of pastries such as cookies and croissants  drizzled in black chocolate and sprinkles of white sugar.

He passed me a plate along with some utensils and gave me a slice of his jambalaya, and served both of us some wine.

"For us." He told me as he stretched out his arm as he lifted his glass. I smiled, trying to hide this small feeling of heartache as our glasses clinked with one another and drank. A very bittersweet wine.

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