Chapter 20- A Plan Set in Motion

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-Charlie POV

The silence hung in the room's air as the call ended somewhat abruptly, and the absence of my Mom's voice rung in my left ear.

"Please don't get close to the Radio Demon."

The words crept yup slowly like smoke around me, stirring worry inside me as I felt my stomach churn in anxiety. And I knew I needed to heed to her words, but why? I knew that if any altercation were to happen I could manage it with ease. With a flick of a finger all the trouble simply vanish.

Although the past few weeks me and Al had formed a closer bond as business partners and friends, there was still a tinsy bit of doubt that he was just using me while he had something up his sleeve. Yes, yesterday's  conversation did bring some comfort and ease on my internal worries, but it still lingered. His words were the only thing that could confirm his actions, but words were easily proven wrong by actions.

Maybe my own naiveness was blinding me into thinking he was being sincere. But I couldn't waste my time into worrying about that, specially today.

I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the tiredness that was apparent in them, and I massaged my cheeks to relieve any building up stress that could meddle with today's stress of the hotel.

Once satisfied and at ease, I smiled. I also realized I wasn't seeing that creepy reflection from yesterday, which added to the pile of worries for another day.


"My Dear? Is everything okay?" I felt a tap on my shoulder as I came back from my thoughts and saw everyone giving me confused glances as I stood in front of them. Everyone except for him.

I turn around to see the Radio Demon, grinning down at me. He stared at me with a mix of curiosity and worry. His shadow peeking from behind him as he gazed at me with his glowing red eyes, that seem to glow more and more as we held eye contact.

"Is everything alright, My Dear? You seem to have been somewhere else." He noted as he kept his gaze on me. I could feel my cheeks burn up as he kept staring at me, not breaking eye contact.

"I... uh... yes, sorry everyone I was thinking about something else. The reason why I gathered you all today is because..." I paused. Was it a good idea to open the hotel? Surely this morning I was ecstatic about the idea, but now that my mom's cautious words were ringing in my head, which led me to think about Al's intentions. Sure, he had been a great asset, and I had learned to give him some of my trust. But what if he sabotages the cause?

Him seeking entertainment and deciding to help was only more suspicious. Now I was confused. Was my judgment about him the previous weeks, not accurate? Or was I being thrown off by Mom's words.

"Speak up My Dear, I'm sure the suspense is driving them quite anxious." Al reminded me. I looked at Vaggie, who was indeed anxious but she nudged me to speak up. I hadn't told her yet, I wanted it to be a surprise.

"Right. I want to open up the hotel." I told them. Their worried expressions shifting to mildly surprised and normal. "We have all made great progress these past few weeks. The hotel now looks like it's open for business. But what do you all think?" I asked.

"I think it's a great idea, Mi Amor." Vaggie told me as she gave me a warm smile. I was relieved, for a moment I thought she would reject the idea.

"It's great! Can't wait to see the wayward souls who might need my services... as an employee, i mean." Angel told me with a wink, as he spoke in a double sense.

"I think it's a lovely idea Miss Charlie. I suppose I'll be a bit more busy." Niffty said as she looked down on her dust brush

"Okay." Husker replied, taking a swig of his alcohol, oh God did he ever stop drinking? Not that it was any of my business but he could hold his liquor.

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