"Oi you know there's cameras up here Tape Arms." Bakugo called as he walked up next to Sero.

The black haired kid let out another puff of smoke.

"Cameras broken Bakugo, me and Kaminari figured that out months ago." Sero responded without even looking up.

"The fuck do you even do that stuff for" Bakugo asked as he leaned over the railing.

Sero held up the joint and inspected it before taking another rip.

"Ever since that night in the factory my anxiety goes out of control from time to time. It helps calm me down and bring me back to my senses. To be honest man I don't see how you don't do anything. You're the one with the most weight on their shoulders and you don't have any output for your stress."

"Tch. Maybe because I let out my stress when I'm beating the shit out of villains." Bakugo said annoyed.

"Whatever man, more for me" Sero said calmly as he finished up his joint.

The black haired kid flicked the last of his roach off the roof and dug into his pocket for another. Bakugo watched the embers fall the ground and land in a pool of water caused from the night before.

"So why did you come up here Mr. Hot Head?" Sero asked as a smile crept across his face.

"SHUT UP TAPE FACE BEFORE I TOSS YOU OVER THE EDGE!" Bakugo yelled as he stood up and turned towards his friend.

Sero laughed at the blonds outburst before extending his hand to Bakugo.

"Care for a rip? Or are you too much of a goody goody?" Sero teased.

Bakugo felt the veins popping on his forehead as he friend tangled the joint in front of him. Bakugo scoffed and snatched the object and put it up to his lips. Bakugo took a long rip feeling the smoke fill his lungs. As he reached his limit he blew it out and leaned back down onto the rail.

"Woah man, I expected you to cough a bunch. You sure it's not your first time smoking?" The tape user asked intrigued.

Bakugo took another hit and looked out across the campus.

"I've been around smoke since my quirk manifested. This is nothing compared to some of the stuff I've inhaled." Bakugo explained.

"Alright I'm going to head back down. My heads starting to get a little light. You coming too?" Bakugo asked as he started his way back towards the door.

"Ya I'll be down in a minute. It was nice chatting with you Bakugo, I've never seen this side of you before."

"Mhm." Bakugo let out as he took his last hit of the night.

"Hey mind if I get that back?" Sero called from behind.

Bakugo smirked.

"Sure thing"

The blond turned around and rolled the joined out from in between his fingers and into his palm. He crushed the remainder and let of a small blast to turn the rest to dust.

Series eyes widened as Bakugo opened his hand and threw the scraps into the air. He watched as the pieces disappeared from view and the blond passed through the doorway.

Hero Hunter Deku [My Hero Academia x One Punch Man Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now