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SooBunny13 kept on chatting me and I won't mind though, he's funny and I can feel that he's cute too, not that I'm having a crush on him, but I wanna meet him and befriend him... For realzies.

"Ms. Kim, are you even listening?" Mr. Jung snapped me out of my daily chat with SooBunny13

"U-uh yeah, yeah I'm listening" I said and faked a smile, silently praying he won't notice I'm not really listening to his lesson

"Really, then tell me What Qualities of Alexandre Dumas do you find in this episode from The Three Musketeers?"

Shoot, I haven't read this story yet!


"That's it, hand me the phone" He puts down his book and headed to my direction

I turn over my phone to Mr. Jung, without thinking that it was left unlocked, it just hit me when I gave it to him and he puts the phone on a drawer.

I facepalmed myself for getting caught texting back to SooBunny13

The class went on and when the bell rings, we got our stuffs packed up, ready for the next subject, which was P.E

I mentally groaned at the thought of P. E, I don't know what's got into our P. E teacher, Mr. Park, that he wants us to dance to a Kpop song, I mean I.can'

But the best part of this is that I get to be partnered with Kang Taehyun, an amazing dancer and an amazing singer all in one, plus he's also kind and considerate towards me, not like how my friends describe him to me.

We got into our P. E uniforms and started a warm up stretch, then proceeded to planning what to dance... Taehyun has decided to go with a K. A. R. D dance, and I'm okay with it.

The whistle was blown again and we all fall into two lines

"Okay class, since now you are going to perform a dance, I want you to go all out for it, since this is a graded activity, okay let us start wiiiiiiith..." he trailed off, shuffling the index card, oh crap, index cards

He finally picks out an index card, and I started to pray that it's not us.

"Mr. Kang and Ms. Kim" He smiled

And now I silently cursed myself for being such a lazy ass, for not going with Jungkook Oppa for a dance lesson.

I let out a deep breath and shake off the regrets I have for the choices I made

"Ready Ji?"

"I guess so"

(🌹)Virtual Boyfriend |TXT Soobin|Where stories live. Discover now