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"And I believe this is your stop Mr. Choi Soobin" Mr. Jung said as he stopped right outside our gate

"Yep this is my stop, thank you for the ride Mr. Jung and Ms. Huang" I replied and they both smiled

"Anytime Soobinnie, you did an amazing job at your competition too so congratulations and I hope your parents are very proud of you" Ms. Huang said and that made me smile

I finally got out of their car and waved them goodbye as they drove off away from my home, I let out a happy sigh and got inside our home.

"Mom! I'm home!" I announced

"Oh, how's your competition, child? Did it go well?" She asked as she cooks us dinner.

"It went well, we won mom" I replied as I put my shoe in the shoe rack and throw my dirty pair of socks in the laundry basket.

"Really?! Congratulations my child!" She said as she turns off the gas stove and went towards me, giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek

"I'm very very proud of you" She added as she pulled away from the hug

I smiled at the feeling that once again, I made my mother proud.

"Is food ready now honey?" I heard my dad said from behind

"Not yet, I just gotta give Soobin a hug because he won the competition" She replied with a smile and I looked at my father whose tired mood changed drastically when he heard the news

"That's my boy!" He then pulled me into a hug

"Congratulations! I knew you can do it" He added and then again it made my smile grew even more.

My father is a really hard one to impress, I'm surprised I impressed him just now with my achievement again.

He pulled away from the hug and gave me a pat on the shoulder

"Show us your medal child so we can put it in your achievement shelf"

I really don't know why, but they really had an achivement cabinet for me(A/N: Hm, I can relate but it's shared with my brother too so it's a fair win) not to brag about it tho, I only have a few achievements in my years of exsitence.

I grabbed the medal out of my bag and gave it to mom as she went towards the achievement cabinet and hangs it there proudly.

"My child has too many achievements now, we should get another cabinet darling"

"That's true, hmm, how about for tonight we all go out for a dinner?"

"But what about my-"

"You can finish cooking that and we will give it to the hungry beggars outside our home okay?"

Mom nodded as she resumed to cooking, I excused myself to change my clothes, but then I also had to open my phone after changing.

Oh gosh, help
my tummy's gonna


We're going out again

Oh that's nice,
is it with Mr. Jung
and Ms. Huang again?

Nope. With my fam

Oooooh, that's great
are the celebrating your

Yeah huhuhu

Don't be such
a big baby, I 'm
completely being
dragged again to have
dinner with Mr. Jung, and
Ms. Huang with my brother and
their friends right now!

So your brother is
friends with the groom
or bride?

Both, actually

If you ever get bored
with the dinner, chat me

Be assured that
I will because I
don't like grown up convos

You sound like a 5
year old hahaha


Sorry TT^TT

UwU! Don't be

Well, I better go now!


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