Land and Time

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    Clara glanced down at her boots quickly before fixing her eyes on the horizon again. Ashildr came up beside her, slipping Clara's fingers between her own. Around them, the trees whispered their secrets to one another - their quiet rustle filled the silence with a pleasant white noise that stood as a backdrop for the birdsong; all together, the music of the planet fell through the air, warming the sharp edges left by winter as time trudged on into spring. Clara stared out across the planet she had called home once upon a time. She smiled a gentle smile.
    "Why are you so sad, Clara?" Ashildr asked.
    "How did you know?"
    "That smile, Clara. That's your sad smile."
    Clara hated how very perceptive Ashildr could be. "It's this planet," she said. "It's my home. Sometimes I wish that it wasn't populated by caitiffs. We are standing on what will one day be London. There was a poem, y'know; 'If you listen closely to the whisper of the trees,
'And take the time for the secrets of the breeze,
'You can still hear the calling of nature's sweet hand,
'And still feel the magic not yet bled from the land.' Right here, right now, none of that magic is gone. And you don't have to listen to hear the wind, it stands out against the silence. Some people still feel this land's pulse even after it's been pulped."
    "I still feel it."
    "You feel the heartbeat of the land, Ash, because you are the land. These trees beat in your heart."
   Clara continued to watch Ashildr's face as she gazed out onto the fields that would one day be skyscrapers. The emptiness she'd fought since her death was batted away in these tiny moments; in the way Ashildr's hair danced softly in the wind, the slight changes in posture from clear of mind to pensive, the peace in her face as she slept. They could destroy all of the beauty spots in the galaxy and Clara would have nothing to say as long as no harm befell her Ash.

A/N - yes, I haven't uploaded in a while, I know, I'm sorry. Have a shitty short chapter on me

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