A Bit Frustrated.......

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Have you ever felt lost
Be it the loss of words
Or emotions,
Which had once overflowed;
Be it the nagging you hated,
Or a person you loved?

Have you ever felt lost
At a familiar place or a-
Round people you'd call your own;
Almost caught in a soliloquy,
Wondering and casting about
What is truly gone?

Have you ever felt lonely
Or perplexed,
'cause you don't seem to fit;
Not that you renounce
Belonging to a place,
You long that, don't you?

Have you ever felt exasperated
Bothered by something,
A lost cause possibly,
Or a cause you let lose?
A heave of sigh,
Says it all.

If only I could utter,
"Things would get better",
And make you somehow elated;
Truth being I don't know, my friend
And, perhaps, that is what makes me
A bit frustrated.

Chaotically PoeticTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang