Tormented by Thoughts

19 2 4

Embraced by a soothing breeze,
While I struggled with my thoughts;
My mind at an uncertain unease,
And the paper, void of any ink blots.

To the naked eye, it's too quiet,
It's too peaceful, it's too silent;
Engulfed in a storm with a blight,
Me against myself, waging wars too violent.

Voices clashing against each other,
How did we end up here? It's inane!
The chaos makes me feel a certain way,
“There you are! Are you lost again?”

A gentle voice pierces through,
Soothing each thought on its way;
“Can't it be more obvious?!”, it knew
And guided everything which had gone astray.

“You never learn”, it chuckled
'twas familiar yet unknown;
And preached for what felt like hours,
Then started fading till it was gone.

To be lost in thoughts,
And finding your way again;
Sometimes the voices won't stay put,
But that's for another day, my friend.

I was embraced by a soothing breeze,
And my turbulent thoughts were pacified;
My mind, now, at a certain ease,
And all it took was the voice inside.

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