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"Uh, my speed? Like as the drug?"

"What? HEHEHEHE! You must be joking." This egg shaped person said.

"Robotnik, he lost his memory." Tails said.

"He lost it? Oh my..."

"Apparently." I said.

30 minutes later...

"So we were enemies?" I asked.


"So, uh, what is even your name?"

"Hm? Oh! My name is Ivo Robotnik, but you can call me Eggman!"

"Oh, egg, I get it." I jokingly said.

"What. Did. You. Say?" Eggman said.


Eggman looked at me like he was giving me the death stare. I should probably not refer him as 'Egg'.

"So, if you were my enemy, why are you here?"

"Hmpfh. To make it clear, I am not a part of your 'team', I am always on Team Eggman. But, how can I be on Team Eggman when my plans can't even come to fruition?" Eggman said.

"He only joined us so that we can get rid of The Dark Magician." Tails said.

That name, I swear I've heard it before. Why do I remind that name? I lost my memory, then why do I remember that name?

"Something wrong?" Knuckles asked.

"Huh? Oh, no, it's nothing." I said.

Tails then walked towards me. He looked at me for a few seconds, then walked around me. While Tails was walking around me, Eggman grabbed something out of his bag. It looked like a gun. Why was he grabbing a gun?

"Uuh, Eggman, why are you grabbing a gun?" I asked nervously.

"Hehehe, it's not a gun, it's a brainwave transmitter." He said.

"Uh, what does it do?" Knuckles asked.

"Hehehe, don't worry. It will only pick up brainwaves from a certain person and decrypt it into what it can remember."

"Hm, interesting." I said. "Will it hurt?"

"Just stand still. This will only tickle you for a second."

I don't like how he sad that. This is going to hurt, I'm sure.

"Stand still, you're moving." Eggman said.


"Hehehe, don't worry."

As I stood still. Everyone around me stepped a few inches back, they looked scared, probably more than I do. What is going to happen? Will it hurt.

Eggman pointed the gun towards my head. The gun started to glow, the barrel started to heat up. This looked really scary.

"W-WAIT." I yelled.


As I heard the gun shot that came out of it, I closed my eyes. Is this how my life ends?
Nah, can't be. But it can. I don't even know these people. The only person I can trust is myself, and maybe Shadow. I mean, I am married to him, but still. Something feels odd about him.

I slowly opened my eyes. Everything seemed so blurry.
I looked around.
There were yellow clouds all around me.
What is this place?
As I looked more around me I realized, I'm floating!
Did I actually die?
The clouds around me stared to blow away more quicker.
I looked ahead, there was a door!
I stared to float towards the door.
After a few seconds I finally could reach the door.
I felt something heavy, GRAVITY!
I fell on my butt in front of the door.
Ow, that hurt.

I slowly opened the door.
Then, everything went white.

I could hear the screams of a baby. What is happening?
My vision stared to come back.
I could hear mumbling voices around me.

"Look how cute he is!"
"That's our baby boy!"
I looked around.
I could see two people, a woman and a man.
"What should we name him?"
"What about Sonic?"
"That's a great name!"

Who are these people. Why are they saying my name?
Am I looking into my past?

"Look at his cute little eyes!"
"Excuse me, but we have to take Sonic into testing. We need to check his blood pressure and stuff."

"WAIT NO!" I yelled.

I tried to yell.
But everything I did had no effect.


As soon as I got picked up by the nurse, my vision stared to fade away.

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