3 | Getting to know each other.

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Two updates in a day? Yes.
Why? I don't know I just feel happy so i decided to update.

Dustin's POV

"and then-"

"Hey guys." Said Mike walking in the basement.

"Hi" Max and I responded.

"When did you come back from school?" Max asked him. We both were talking about our favorite movies and Eleven would say a word occasionally before Mike came.

"I just came back and decided to check on El...and you two." He said, looking at El who was just looking at us. I smiled internally.

"Where are the others?" I asked changing the topic.

"They will be here anytime." He said sitting next to me on the couch and as if on que Lucas and Will walked in.

"Hello everyone." They said and sat on the chairs near the little table in Mike's basement.

"You know what...?" Mike said as I turned to him.

"Its getting really weird not knowing anything about each other except our names." He Said.

That's true. It was actually getting very weird.

I looked over at El but she was staring at Mike innocently.

I think we should tell Mike all about our past. I trust him a lot and El wouldn't mind because it's clear she trusts Mike alot. Probably even more then me.

"Yes it is actually getting really weird so...I'm going to tell you all about me." I said.

"Are you sure?" Max asked me.

"Yes I am. You don't need to tell them about yourself if you don't want to."

"No no i am going to." She said.

I looked over at Mike who was just looking at us and waiting patiently.

I got up from the couch and sat near El outside her fort. The others joined me. We were all sitting in a circle. On the other side of Eleven was Mike. Next to him was Lucas then Will and Max who was next to me.

"Max, El and I have all had parent problems. Our parents are the reason we are here. Max lived in Derry from when she was born. Derry is the place where we have come from. I moved to Derry when I was five years old. The reason was that my parents had passed away a year ago, so my grandmother, who was the only family member left in my life decided to go away from everything and start afresh." I paused. I miss them. "I'm sorry." Mike, Lucas and Will said. "Don't worry 'bout it." Mike nodded as a sign that i can continue and i did.

"I shifted to Derry with my grandmother. It hadn't even been a week and I met Max and we became really good friends. She is like my sister." I said smiling at her and she smiled back. I heard Lucas let out a relieved sigh. I chuckled quietly only loud enough for Mike and El to hear. Mike grinned a bit.

"Max's dad never liked her because..." I looked at Max and she nodded at me.

"While Max's mother was having her she passed away and her father thinks she is responsible for that and he was going to...he was...he was going to kill her," Everyone except Max and me gasped but didn't say anything so I continued. "But he couldn't because Max looks very much like her mother, he didn't have the guts."

"So he threw her out of her house only with a bag of clothes when she was just 9," I continued. "She didn't have anywhere to go to so of course she came to my house. My grandmother welcomed her in and offered to call the cops but she refused. So she lived with me and my grandma for all these years but one year ago my grandmother died of old age. We were just 15 but no one really cared about us, it's always been like that, the cops and people of Derry never care about anyone. So we started to live on our own. Yes it was hard at first but we got used to it and we had a lot of money because my parents were really rich and I got all their money."

"There was this huge bungalow next to our house but we never really payed attention to it until one day when we heard a scream from one of the top rooms but then the scream was muffled. After many days Max and I finally found out that there was a girl in there who used to be abused and starved and guess who that was. Eleven. H-" Mike cut me of.

Mike's POV

"What?" I exclaimed. "El was abused and starved!"

"Yeah." Said Dustin sighing.

"Oh God that's disgusting!" I said a few tears came to my eyes thinking about what she must have gone through. This is the reason she ate the eggos so fast and why there were so many scars on her arms and legs.

"That person is sick!" I shouted. I looked over at El who was staring at me quietly and sadly. God I just want to hug her and hol- no she would never like it if a guy like me came near her. She's too good for me.

"Yeah he is and that's not the worst thing...the worst thing is that it was her own father who did this, her mother passed away when she was very young." Dustin said sadly.

"Oh God!" Lucas and Will said. I felt my blood boil. I wish I could punch that asshole till he dies.

"Continue Dustin." Said Will, sighing.

"Yeah...so after finding out Max and I wanted to do something. We wanted to help her. Police wasn't an option because her dad is a really famous scientist and as I said, the cops didn't care about anyone so they wouldn't believe us." He said.

"Somehow one day me and Max succeeded in entering the room El was kept in and we gave her some food and water. Of course when she saw us she became scared and it was understandable. If two strangers just pop out of nowhere then it's pretty scary. So we didn't go near her but just told her to eat everything quickly so that no one catches her."

"After that whenever we could we went and gave her food which was very difficult. We then tried to sneek her away many times and finally yesterday we were successful."

"She was a bit hesitant at first but  got ready to run away with us."

"Max and I decided it was best to just leave that town and go somewhere far away."

"We didn't even get a chance to take any money with us, since the demon that doesn't deserve to be called a father was behind us and then we reached Hawkins and after that you know what happened." He completed.

"So yes, that's our story." Dustin said. I gave him a glass of water since he was out of breath.

"That's a lot of information." Said Lucas and I nodded.

"You know what you and Max did for El is the best thing you'll have ever done." I said smiling. They smiled back. I looked at El and saw her smiling at me. She's so pretty...

"Mike if you don't mind me asking since you know all about us can we know about you because I'm sure there is more to you then just the quiet good boy with awesome friends." Said Dustin.

Dustin, Max and El have trusted me so much. It's time they know all about me.

"Yes." I said.

That's the end of this chapter.
Mike's story will be told in the next chapter.
See uuuu
Love u✨💞

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