chapitre un

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"He's coming," I said.

I know he's not. He has been ignoring my messages for months but I still came to this place where we promised to meet. Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. Last place in our list named: "Romantic Places To Visit In Canada". We promised to see the northern lights here together. I know he's not coming, but I'm still hoping he will.

"Saori will be here," I told myself.


Searching for new friends...

You've matched with Saori to start chatting...


: Hey.
: Is it really you who's in the photos?

: Hi.
: Yeah, why?

: Nothing.
: You look cute as fuck.

: Thanks.
: You're cute too.

: Yeah, I guess. lmao
: Do you have instagram?


As I was waiting for his reply, I opened another dating app and had a conversation with a guy from UK who's looking for a sex toy. I entertained him for fun until the guy said he will come to the Philippines for me. I got scared because I never thought he would actually come and see me. It totally freaked me out and I deleted my accounts and uninstalled all the dating apps on my phone without realizing it. I even forgot that I was waiting for Saori's reply to my message.

The next day, I, again, installed the app where I found Saori. Hoping that I'll be able to find him, which I did. He already put his instagram account in his profile's bio. I followed him on instagram and, no, I didn't message him, instead I sent a message to my friend and asked for her help.


: Valieeeeeeeeeeeee!
: Help!!!
: I met a guy on a dating app and I liked him.
: Found his instagram
: I want to talk to him but I don't know what to say.

I know you're probably thinking I'm weird for liking someone who only replied to my message twice but he's cute as fuck so why do you care?

: Yes mumzieeeee?


: What about "Hi"?

: What if he ignores me?
: What if he doesn't remember me anymore?

: Seriously mumz, go message him.
: If he ignores you then fuck him, just go back to the dating app and find other guys.
: Do it mumzie! You never know, he might be your Mr. Right.


Even after talking to Val, I'm still not sure if I should message him or not, so I put my phone down and started watching "Whisper Of The Heart"- an anime movie. I brewed coffee to help me fight drowsiness and finish the movie I was watching.
The anime ended with the guy asking the girl to marry him. I got fucking jealous, so yeah, I finally decided to message Saori before sleeping.


: Hi
: I'm the one from the dating app yesterday.
: And, I want to be friends with you.

Yes, you're right. I want to be more than friends with him, but I can't tell him that this early, duh.

: Hi there ^__^
: How you doin?

: Good.
: Where you from again?

: Brazil
: How about you?

: I'm from the Philippines

: Ooh, I love your country.

: Really? Why?

: People are gentle and cute most of the time.
: Just like you.

Yeah right Saori. You think that would make me blush? Well, yes, it did actually.

: Aww. Thanks.
: What you doin?

: Just watching movies and stuff.


That night, or that morning in their country, I became friends with him. I message him and talk to him every single day. We tell stories about random things and sometimes, we just repeatedly ask each other "What you doin?", "How you doin?". He would tell me how bad the weather is, and I tell him how bad my days are.


: Hey Lettuce.
: Good Morning (Evening)!

: Hi
: I'm fucking pissed right now

: Why? What happened?

: I was at a store a while ago and this drunk jerk came near me
: He touched my butt and had the audacity to level his face to mine

: Oh my god, that sucks.
: Are you okay? I mean, physically?
: You should have told your parents about it.

: I'm okay. It just made me so mad.
: I don't want to tell them about it, I'm embarrassed.

: No
: Don't feel like that
: He's the one who should be embarrassed for what he did, not you.

: I know
: But it's not easy to tell them about things like that

: Yeah it's not easy but it's no good keeping it to yourself
: Anyway, whenever you need to get something off your chest, just hit me up ^__^



"Are you also here to see it alone?" A voice from behind asked.

"No," I took a deep breath and stared at the magnificent northern lights in the sky. "I'm actually waiting for someone."

Saori Will Be HereWhere stories live. Discover now