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It had been a few weeks since the first rehearsal of the play. We have a few months of perfecting it before the big show, which means two whole months of seeing Finn's gorgeous face every day after school. I was quite thrilled.   

Today's rehearsal was going rather slowly as most of it was taken up by the Heathers. The director worked with Lilia on establishing the choreography for "Lifeboat," and Finn, Millie, and I worked on the harmonies of "the me inside of me" in the music room. Finn was surprisingly a good singer. His voice was scratchy, but in a good way. It almost was like he was trying to play the movie character, not JD from the musical. I appreciated that. 

We only had less than an hour left, when Noah and Sophia came into the theater through the back doors. I had been in the theater chairs and had to turn around to see them. Once I did, I waved them over to the two empty seats next to me. This was their way of telling me they're ready to pick me up when I'm ready to leave. They stayed quiet with respect for the actors on stage. Lilia finished a run-through "lifeboat". The director called me to center stage, then asked for Finn, Caleb, and Jack. Everyone else in the scene came up. 

"Okay, another run-through of 'Fight for me'. Caleb, Finn and Jack, you need to perfect the slow-mo fight within the next few days so we can move on from this one. Please," Ms. B said sounding tired. "Pick it up from 'Who's that guy in the jacket think he is anyway Bo Diddly'" 

Everyone got in position. Me on stage left, Finn center stage, Jack and Caleb on stage right. 

"Who does that guy in the jacket think he is anyways, Bo Diddley?", Jack says glaring over to Finn who has been given a book to use as a prop. 

"Veronica's into his act, no doubt," Caleb said his line, leaning on Jack's shoulder. 

"Let's kick his ass," Jack says starting to approach Finn. Caleb holds him back. 

"We're seniors, man. Too old for that shit." 

Jack playing Kurt continues walking forward and the rest of the dialogue plays out. I listen waiting for my queue. 

"Hold his arms!" 

The music starts playing, everyone on stage starts singing "Holy shit." Finn, Caleb, and Jack start their fight, slowly transitioning to slow motion until the music pauses. Jack accidentally stumbles but catches himself. I hear ms. B sigh from in front of the stage. 

" hold still hold still," she tells everyone. As I walk close to the guys. I point at Jack with Finn's fist a few inches away from his face, and laugh. 

"Why...when you see boys fight... does it look so horrible, but... feel so right?" I sing, dragging the line out. My singing has improved substantially with the help of the music teacher over the past few weeks. I actually have control of it, and I sound good. 

I turn abruptly was from the fight, " I shouldn't watch this crap, thats not who I am." I face the audience, I find where Sophia and Noah are sitting, and make eye contact with Noah. "But with this kid?" my finger is now pointing at Finn. 


It's too far away to tell, but Noah's eye contact is broken as he looks down at his lap. I shake it off, continuing with the song. 

I walk closer to Finn and Jack who are still frozen in time. I walk under Finn's arm to face him. "And hey, Could you face the crowd? Could you be seen with me and still act proud?" 

With his left eye, Finn winks. An action unseen by the director. I feel myself blush a bit, and try to play it off. Jack definitely saw too. I move from between them and grab Finn's hand. As I continue to sing, I thank the universe again for these next two months. 

A/N: I can't promise consistent updates cause I'm in college and I have a busy schedule now. BUT I do still get notifications for your comments, so its really just a matter of when I have time to update. If you want more, your comments are what remind me to keep writing. ~ love, Bev-lillis

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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