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I walked out of class ,towards the cafeteria quietly with my backpack over my shoulder. I yawned, running my hand over my face. It's been a long day at school. All I wanted to do was go home. It was only lunch, which meant I had a couple of hours left before school got out. I sat down at my usual table, where my friends were eating.

"Sup my dudes." I greeted them, dropping my bag on the floor.

"You look tired." Gaten said, noticing the dark bags under my eyes.

"I was up most of the night preparing for the biology test. The one about Octopuses." I replied, taking my lunch out of my backpack.

"Octopi" Sophia corrected, her mouth full of food.

"No I'm pretty sure it's octopuses, or at least octopodes." I shrugged. "It has to do with the origins of the word and declensions and stuff. 'Octopi' would imply that the word originated from Latin, because of the declension used for the -us ending. But it actually originated from Greek, meaning the word ending is grammatically incorrect."

"You're definitely ready for that test." Gaten laughed.

"No. I've been taking 6 years of Latin. It's simple grammar ." I rubbed my forehead . A girl walked up the steps to a small platform at the front of the cafeteria. She cleared her throat, calling everyone's attention towards her. I looked over to see Maddie Ziegler holding a piece of paper in one hand and a microphone in the other. She's probably doing lunch time announcements today. I looked back down at my food, not really paying attention.

"Oh my god (Y/N), you need to audition." Noah says as he sat down next to me. I look up, confused.

"Yes! Definitely. You'd be perfect for it!!" Sophia gasped.

"Like... IT... by Stephen King?"

"No, dumbass!" Gaten hit me on the side of the head.

"Then what are you talking about?" I asked, rubbing my head glaring at Gaten.

"Heathers the musical." All three of them said in unison.

"Ohhh, yeah no." I said before turning my attention back to my food.

"Why not?" Sophia whined.

"Many reasons."

"Which are?"

I looked up at her. "1. I'm not a theatre kid. 2. I hate being in front of people 3. I have too much homework. 4. I can't sing, and 5. I don't look like any of the characters."

"But you act like Veronica." Sophia beamed.

"Doesn't matter, I'm not auditioning."I said, seriously. Millie walked by with her friend Sadie. They stopped at our table, laughing.

"You, audition? That's so sad." Sadie grimaced looking down at me.

"I don't know about you, but I'm totally going to go for Heather Chandler ." Millie said flipping her short hair out of her face.

"You fit the part perfectly." I mumble to myself.

"What was that?" She asked glaring at me. I forced a smile.

"I said you'll do great. Break a leg." Millie and Sadie walked away. "Literally." I dropped my head onto the table.

"Please?" Noah pleaded. I looked up, meeting pouting lips and puppy dogs eyes. I sighed.


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