Penelope Park (2)

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Hope hit you but you catch it and move sideways quickly

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Hope hit you but you catch it and move sideways quickly.

You kick her leg and look across to see your girlfriend Penelope smiling in the doorway.

"We're good Hope" you say to the tribrid undoing your gloves.

She nods and says "Don't worry about anything just let it be you and satan".

"You sound like your girlfriend Hope" you laugh as she walks away.

Penelope wraps her arms around your waist whispering "Lizzie got to Hope a bit huh".

"Yeah apparently they both call you satan" you laugh turning around and kissing her.

She smiles letting go of you and lacing your fingers with hers.

You had a nice day with Penelope until monster attacked both of you.

"Hope what the hell" you ask finding the tribrid leant against a tree.

"Monster" she says clearly out of breath.

"What kind ?" You ask Hope.

"Oh shit" Penelope say looking up.

"Cyclops so aim for the eye thanks babe" you say and Hope throws you a stake.

You jump of a tree and shove the piece of would straight threw it's eye.

It falls back to the ground and you and Penelope share a relieved look.

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