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"Hey Lizzie, Josie" you call out to the twins

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"Hey Lizzie, Josie" you call out to the twins.

"Hey Y/N" they say in unison.

"So how was your day ?" You ask them.

"Good me and Sebastian went on another date" Lizzie smiles.

"Another date when can I meet the man that stole my sister's heart" you and Josie ask.

Little did you know that Sebastian was looking you up and down from the woods.

"I hate you runt" Lizzie mumbles.

"I know I'm having a date night with Hope" you smirk at the girls.

"I'm going to Penelope's room" Josie says dreamily.

"Josette Olivia Saltzman get your mind out of the gutter" Lizzie says making you and her laugh.

"I don't want to hear you and Hope either Y/N" Lizzie smirks.

"Okay we aren't that loud" you respond.

"You forgot a silencing spell last time daddy" Josie laughs.

"I have to get to class" you lie embarrassedly walking away from your siblings into the woods.

You find a man stood their "Hi" you say.

"Hello what's your name" he asked politely.

"Y/N Saltzman" you respond.

"Oh you must be Elizabeth's sister I'm Sebastian" he responds kissing your hand.

"Nice to meet you" you smile at him.

"You look beautiful" he compliments you.

"Thanks" you say uncertainly.

"Elizabeth is hot but your amazing" he smiles.

"Your not so bad yourself" you responded mentally face plaming yourself.

He pulls you towards him by the hand and you kiss.

When you both pull away you say "Your dating my sister".

"Then why don't we be starcrossed lovers" Sebastian smiles.

He vamps away leaving you shocked and confused.

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