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Todoroki POV

He asks all sorts of questions about my quirk telling me how cool it is and how I can become a hero he is so freaking cute I could die of happiness

He tells me is full name so I tell him mine he gives me this Nickname shoto-kun so I call him zuku which made him smile even bigger if that is possible

We spend 30 mins playing and talking before he said he had to go home I was kinda upset that he had to leave "will I ever see him again?"

Z: "we can play tmr around this time if u would like" *smiles*

He is sunshine his smile can light up anything I will protect this little bean

T: "yes I would love that"

He pulls me into a hug I slowly hug back I've never really been given a hug it's new to me I feel his body warmth and his fluffy soft hair

I could stay like this forever but all good things have to come to an end he pulls away and we say our goodbyes going in different directions I just made my first friend

Izuku POV

As I'm walking home I'm thinking if I should tell shoto-kun about my quirk he didn't judge me when i said I was quirk less maybe he's trust  Worthy

I made a new friend and I can't wait to tell mommy when I get home she'll be so happy I made a friend I just know it

I walk to the front door and open it up I place my shoes next to the coat rack and walk to the kitchen I see mommy making dinner

I: "mommy I made a new friend today and guess what"

In: " that's good news baby what happened?"

I: "I told him I was quirk less and he didn't look at me different in fact it looked like he wanted to protect me"

In: "that's so good baby"

Oh no I see mommy start to cry did I do something wrong?

I: "mommy did I do something wrong?"

In: "oh no no sweetie mommys just happy u have a friend"

Oh well that good I thought I was making mommy cry which I thought I need but I didn't I don't like to see my mommy cry

Time skip~

I woke up for school today is the day I tell kacchan I'm quirk less he has such an amazing quirk I hope he still wants to be friends with me

Mommy drops me off at school I walk to the classroom I see kacchan sitting with a couple of his new friends he seems happy with them he starts walking towards me

K: "hey izuku what's ur quirk?"

Oh no I was hoping to tell him when we were alone so the other kids don't know that in quirk less well at least let them believe that

I: "I uhh I'm quirk less kacchan"

He looks at me with wide eyes then looks back at his new friends they give him a look that I don't like at all kacchan starts laughing at me

K: "quirkless loser ur a deku deku"

He then starts to hit me over and over again using his quirk to burn me while his friends look at laugh saying mean thing to me how I should die

I: "i- *pant* I t-th-thought *pant* we were *pants* friends kacchan

K: "why would I be friends with a quirk less nobody? Ur better off dead"

After bakugo says those words something in me broke in me like I wasn't enough I couldn't feel anything

Bakugo POV

I never wanted to hurt izuku but I didn't want to look like some fool in front of my friends even if they aren't really my friends I hated to see izuku cry and hurt I'm so sorry izuku I hope u become a strong hero....

After school~

Izuku POV

I ran home before kacchan and his lackeys could beat me up even more I wrapped my wounds and went straight to the park I told mommy she said to stay safe ofc I'll be safe

I notice shoto-kun is already sitting in the swings I sneak up behind him and say boo he jumps a little and looks back at me with a warm smile

Todoroki POV

Zuku scared me I look at him a smile but notice he has some bandages on his arms and face with some band aids on his left and right leg

I ask him if he is ok he said he's fine and there's nothing to worry about but I don't believe that for one second who would hurt such a sweet caring little angel like himself

I also asked him who done this to him but he just says no one and he just fell but I highly doubt why is he lying or protecting the person who did this

2 year time skip~

It's been two year since me and zuku became friends he is now six and I'm seven but everyday we meet up he seems worse with more wounds and like he has no emotion

He has some emotions but he is not as excited and happy he was when we first met he won't tell me who is doing this to him and I'm getting worried

One day zuku didn't come to the park I thought he was busy and played by myself but after two weeks I began to worry I'm scared of what happened

He always said he wanted to be a hero maybe I'll see him at UA I miss u zuku u were the only one who understood me I hope to meet you again

9 years later~


What happened to izuku?
Will todoroki ever see him again?
Had izuku changed?
What will happen when he meets kacchan again?

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