The first meeting

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Izuku POV (age four)

I shot up from my bed when I heard my alarm go off today is my birth day and I get to find out what kind of quirk I have I'm so excited

I hope I get a powerful one like all might so I can be a hero just like him
I ran to mommys bedroom and climb on her bed jumping up and down

I: "mommy mommy mommy get up today is the day I found out my quirk!!!"

In: "ok ok mommys up go get ready and I'll cook breakfast"

I:"ok mommy"

I run to my room to get ready I can't wait I'm going to be just like all might!! I put my all might hoodie with some black shorts and my fav red shoes

Time skip~

Once me and mommy got done with breakfast which was yummy I ate two pancakes and some bacon we got into the car to go the doctors

I cant stop bouncing up and down in the back seat of the car I'm just so excited I really want to be like all might he is my hero I want to be a hero too just like him and easer head 

We pull up to the doctors office and park and walk inside mommy talks to the counter lady about stuff I wasn't paying attention

Mommy said we have to wait and take a seat which sounds so boring I really want to know what my quirk is we drove here why should we have to wait

As u can tell I am alot smarter then most four year olds mommy doesn't know why but it's ok I like being smarter then most kids my age

5 minutes later~

A pretty lady came out of a side door and called my name I instantly shot up from my seat to go see the pretty lady maybe she will tell me my quirk

Ugh she said wait a few minutes and the doc will be back with my quirk this is taking so long why can't I just know now I look up at mommy

And she just smiles at me I smile back and wait for the slow doctor to come back with my quirk imma die of boredom finally the doc walks in

Doc: "hey little one you do have a quirk it's quite a powerful one"

I:" what is it what's my quirk?!"

Doc: "it is where u can create any quirk u can and it might change ur eye color the down side of your quirk is you can only use three quirks at a time and become weak if used to much"

Oh no is it something bad deep breath deep breath my quirk is powerful what if I hurt someone and my eyes?

Doc: " you can't let anyone know ur quirk do to villans might kidnap you so u have to tell people u are quirk less.

I: "w-what?"

Doc: "I'm sorry kid it's to dangerous"

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks I have to tell ppl I'm quirk less because I'm dangerous? I don't get it will ppl fear me? Can I still be a hero?

What about kacchan? Will he still be my friend even tho I'm quirk less even if am not really? I I don't understand

After the ride home it was quite I didn't want to talk to mommy I didn't want to upset her even more I don't want her to think it's her fault

I decided I was going to the park nearby my house. I was sitting in a swing when a bi color hair boy came and sat next to me looking sad

I:"hi am izuku what's ur name?"

??? POV

I ran to the park to get away from my father I saw a kid with green hair sitting on the swings I decided to sit next to him his hair looks so fluffy

He told me his name and his smile is so bright he is pretty cute for a boy he has the cutest button nose and freckles with his light pink cheeks

T: "my name is shoto"

He asked what my quirk was and I see stars in his eyes he starts asking me all sorts of questions about my quirk he says it's so cool I ask him about his quirk

He hangs his head low and says he is quirk less tho I feel like he is lying about something I just don't know what but I promise on my life to protect this little green bean


What will happen when izuku tells kacchan he's quirk less?

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