Packing & Coffee

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Kawaii~Chan was awaken by the sounds of cars honking their horns and drivers yelling at each other. She groaned as she reluctantly gets out of bed and checks her phone. Kawaii~Chan rubs the sleep out of her eyes as she looks at the time. It was 9:45.

She stretched a bit before getting out of bed completely. KC inhales sharply and grabs her pink fluffy bag, and wraps it back onto her body. Kawaii~Chan puts her phone into the pouch and zips it shut, then fixes the bed even though no one would be using it.

She walks to the entrance door and slips on her shoes, and exits the dorm. Once she does, she is greeted by 4 big boxes and 2 small ones. She finds a note on top of one of the small boxes and it read, "this is all yours, KC -N". She smiled as she looks inside each box, looking at all the stuff that she had left.

Kawaii~Chan sighs in relief as she realizes all her important stuff were saved. She places her hand onto her chest and smiles as she closes her eyes and thinks of how grateful she was. She opens up her eyes and starts placing the boxes into the dorm. Once they were all safely inside, she walks to the main office.

As she walks to the main office, she hums a soft tune, drowning out the silence. When she reaches the office, the manager sits up from her chair and smiles sweetly as Kawaii~Chan. KC makes her way closer to the manager and starts small conversation.

KC: Hello Delora!!~

Delora: good to see you again! Have you met Nate?

KC: uh, yea Kawaii~Chan did! He seems rather nice!

Delora: He sure is! Once his mother divorced her father and then married me, he's been a lot more helpful!

KC: oh yea! Uh, so why did his mom leave his dad?

Delora: well uh let's just say he doesn't really feel attracted to women.

KC: oh!

Delora: and that he used to be a woman.

KC: oh!

Delora: in any case, dear, what's up?

KC: well, Kawaii~Chan was initially gonna go and return the keys, but then Kawaii~Chan remembered that she needs to put the boxes in the car.

Delora: Oh! Do you need help on that? I can get Nate if you'd like.

KC: oh no its not that! The problem is, is that Kawaii~Chan's extremely tired and is in need for coffee to wake her up, so Kawaii~Chan gonna go drive over to Meowbucks.

Delora: Oh! So you're letting me know in advanced?

KC: Yep! Didn't want you to think Kawaii~Chan left without giving you the keys!

Delora: well that's awfully kind of you Kawaii~Chan! Well go get some coffee and head back. I'll call Nate to help you out, just in case.

KC: Alright! Thank you Delora!

Delora: it's no biggie!

As Kawaii~Chan leaves the office, she heads to her car and makes her way to Meowbucks. Once there, she turns off the car and locks it once she's out of it. She makes her way into the coffee shop and waits through the big line. She checks her phone as she waits for the line to decrease. It was 10:01. KC sighs as she turns off her phone and waits in line for her coffee.


When Kawaii~Chan got her coffee, she sighed and walked over to the stand to add some sugar in it. She adds some sugar and stirs it up, and then closes the cap, tightly securing it. Once it was sealed shut, she smiled and walked out of the coffee shop. Kawaii~Chan takes a sip of her coffee and closes her eyes, still walking.

When she opened her eyes she bumped onto a tall figure. She fell back onto the floor and the tall figure groaned in annoyance. Luckily her drink didn't spill too much, but the bad news was that it got onto the person's shirt. KC's eyes widen and she gets up immediately.

KC: S-so sorry!

???: Ugh! This shirt was expensive too! Watch where you're going.

Before Kawaii~Chan could speak further and apologize more, the figure left. She sighed and brushed the feeling of disappointment and tried to think positively. Kawaii~Chan got back into her car and drove back to her home. She parked rather close to the condo she was in, and started walking towards that direction.

While she was walking, she looked at the time. It was 10:35. KC sharply exhaled and walked faster to the dorm room. She was greeted by Nate when she got there, and he gave her a reassuring smile. Kawaii~Chan smiled back and then started to talk to Nate a bit before they packed up all her stuff.

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