Chapter 1 Timenapped

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So, first of all, this story contains LGBTQ+ headcanons and headcanon names for some characters, plus canon Japanese-only names.

(Dr. Ancient=Trias, Dr. Drake=Chusie, Mrs. Drake=Anmo)

Second of all, I don't want to see any demands for ships or character actions, especially if they are out of character.

Anyway, enjoy the story!


In a colorful tunnel of the time warp was floating one lonely house. Confused by what happened to their surroundings, the six parents ran outside onto the terrace, looking around. For some of them, it was the first time seeing such a place; for others, it was way too familiar. Their attention was so focused on the time warp, on the unknown time flowing around them. Just a minute ago, they were in Sanjo, having fun, talking, but they're suddenly trapped; timenapped...

Could that be the doing of the people who the Ancients were talking about? The people who attacked the Backland...?

Out of nowhere, massive jaws surfaced from below the terrace, showing the sharp teeth to the parents. In the shock and fear of the dinosaur's sudden appearance, they backed away and ran back into the house. Spike was the one who stayed behind, making sure that everyone else got inside safely before he rushed behind them.

Their glances fell back on the beast, a Torvosaurus ready to attack. They noticed a strange hexagon mark on its forehead.

But why...? Why was a dinosaur even there? What was the deal with all of this?

The answer to their questions literally flew through the opened glass door, however, it only raised more questions than it answered.

It was a big man with dark orange skin and...wings...? Wings?! This man was actually flying towards them... What is the meaning of this? Who is this?

Being the only one bold enough, Spike swiped his whip, trying to stop this flying man. The issue was that the whip wrapped around the man's thick wrist, allowing the man to toss Spike straight at the glass door. The dino curiously watched him slide down.

The man was unfazed by such a gesture and continued flying; he was actually making his way toward the Ancients. Seeing the man getting closer, Dr. Trias Ancient stepped protectively in front of his wife, who was already in a stand that showed that she was ready to brawl, despite knowing that he has no chance against whatever was flying towards him. It didn't matter; he'd do his best to keep her safe.

"You and you, come with me," the flying man ordered them.

"Why? What do you want with us?" Trias asked him.

"Well, I need some help and I heard that you two are perfect for the job."

"You can forget about that after kidnapping us."

"You either help me or you help him and he's very hungry," the man told him as he pointed at the Torvosaurus that let out a loud roar.

Well, there wasn't much of a choice. But then again, if he really needed them so much, he wouldn't be dumb enough to kill them, right? It felt like they were protected by that need, however, that did not apply to the others. Risking their lives was out of the question.

Trias did not reply; he was only standing there, keeping the flying man away from Cretacia.

"Throw me, honey. Throw me at him!" Cretacia whispered to her husband.

"Cretacia, no..." Trias murmured worriedly as the flying man got even closer.

No one else dared to even move as the Ancients were cornered. Meanwhile, Spike was still disoriented from the impact. The rest could have done something... Chusei could have used the needle...Aki and Anmo could have used a frying pan or knives, but they could barely move at that moment. ...and the sudden noise behind them didn't add any courage. It sounded like wing-flapping...?

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