Chapter 8 Goodbye

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TW: panic attack, blood, mentions of miscarriage


Everyone turned to the source of the scream. Aki was immediately filled with pure fear at the glimpse of her husband frozen with his eyes wide open in horror.

"Spike! Are you okay?" she worried and grabbed his arm. He jerked, glancing at her; his expression turned even more terrified. A tear ran down his cheek.

"I failed..." he wailed.

What was he talking about...?

"No, no, no..." Aki shook her head. "It's okay. It's okay." She reached for his face, but as soon as she touched his cheeks, everything went blurry. When her eyes managed to focus again, she let out a yelp and pulled away from him, covering her mouth.

"I'll give you a little advice," a distorted voice echoed in her head.

She was staring at the blood dripping from Spike's head—or at least that's what she thought she saw.

"Don't try to act tough when you're nothing close to it," the voice continued.

Images of gloves with sharp metal claws flashed in front of her eyes and she heard loud bangs as if something hit the glass door on repeat; as if something was thrown against it.

Something was wrong...

"What the...?" Chusei mumbled while everything was spinning for him. He was holding his head. "That gas..." Things were getting fuzzy. "It must be hallucinogenic..."

It didn't matter that it was fake... Cretacia covered her ears and shut her eyes, hyperventilating.

"Be quiet...Please, quiet..." she whispered.

"Cretacia, it's okay," Trias told her, trying to stay calm, making his way over to her, "it's not real. None of it is real. It's not real!"

Everything around him turned into a black void. He kept repeating to himself that this wasn't real and it was working until someone spoke up.

"No, this is very much real." He jerked to the source and saw Seth towering over him. He was way taller than the actual Seth—about 7 feet tall. He was looking down at Trias and wasn't the only one; there were several pairs of eyes on his shoulders and along his back. They were rats; giant rats... They were some of their old experiments, the crimes against nature they committed together. But there was more than just them. A large monster shadow was standing behind Seth, its orange bloodshot eyes and magma-like veins were glowing in the dark.

"You're just a hallucination," Trias growled as Seth came closer to him. The blue-haired man pushed him away. Trias stumbled back, but as soon as he stepped backward, he felt no ground. Before he could fall, Seth grabbed the collar of his shirt, letting him hang above a pit.

No, that wasn't a pit, it was the time warp tunnel. The tunnel he and Cretacia were lost in...and one wrong move and it'd happen again. He tried not to think about it, but two voices brought that memory back. The voice of his wife calling out to him in fear and panic and a voice of a baby crying.

The two egg-shaped pods fell past him straight into the pit; the voices were coming from there.

It wasn't real. It wasn't real! It wasn't...real...

Trias jerked his body to each side, calling out to the pods.

"Cretacia! Rex!" He then glared at the man in front of him.

"Why are you looking at me?" Seth asked him, "you can blame me all you want, but we both know who's actually responsible for this. Who dedicated an entire mission to defying history in the first place?" Seth's appearance glitched for a moment and changed to someone Trias was even more terrified of—his younger self. "Who invaded the past and kept creatures that were destined to die alive?!"

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