Everybody who they walked past began to stare at them and all conversation started all over again but Teresa remembered what Ryder told her and decided to keep on ignoring it all and it turned out to be very easy that time to be able to ignore them. She then felt a tap on her shoulder and sure enough when she turned around, it was him

"hope you have a good lesson and see you after" he called as Teresa looked behind her at him and flashed a soft smile as she made her way towards her classroom while still avoiding the stares and conversations with heaps of confidence as she walked pass them

. . . . . . . . . .

As she walked through the door, the whole classroom went completely slient as she made her way to her desk next to Georgia who looked at her with an sympathic smile on her lips. After Teresa sat down she looked towards the teacher who once again had a soft smile

"good morning class, I hope you had a good sleep last night and are feeling ready to start the school day" she said as Teresa nodded in response "it looks like some people are absent today so I will just be marking the roll now so please excuse me for a moment."

Like it was on cue, some people began to carry on their conversations that Teresa guessed was once again about her and Ryder while others were taking the time to have a bit of a rest and checking their schedules for the upcoming school day

"what do we have first, Teresa?" Georgia asked her as she grabbed her schedule out of her pocket and read every single bit of it, attempting to find the answer to her question and as soon as she found out the answer, she looked at her best friend with a smile

"Physcial Education." She replied with a smile as Georgia cringed at the thought - she never really enjoyed it when Teresa didn't mind it but she knew it was probably the fact that Georgia wasn't a sporty person and that she was more into sports. The teacher then began to speak again and Teresa instantly began to focus on her

"alright, the roll has been marked and the bell shoud chime in only a few moments" the bell chimed just as soon as she finished her sentence and the teacher then looked towards the class again with a smile on her lips "hope you all have a good day!" Everybody them jumped to their feet and rushed out the door while Georgia and Teresa took their time

"Physcial Education" Georgia released a sigh as she spoke "Why do we have to have Physcial Education first? I am even willing to do Maths this period instead"

"To be honest, I don't know why you dislike it this much but I also know that you aren't a sporty person so I can't complain about that" Teresa replied with a shrug "besides, it will be over before you know it and at least we only do it one day each week"

"I guess you are right, I have gotten through it every single week and at least we only have it one time each week" she replied with a slight smile on her lips "lets go then and face the music and the fact I have to actually do sport for another day"

"aw, cheer up Georgia" Teresa exclaimed with a spark of playfullness in her eyes as Georgia laughed in response and began to make their way towards the school gym carefully as they watched everybody else run towards the gym like wild dogs

. . . . . . . . . .

As they finally reached the gym, they stood aganist the wall with everybody still staring at her with Teresa's confidence vanishing miserabley until finally the gym teacher arrived who has platnium blonde hair, emerald green eyes, olive skin and a bright smile on her lips

"good morning class, are you all ready to do some sport this morning and get yourselves moving" She exclaimed in attempt to get the class excited "today we will be having a friendly match of volleyball so please sort yourselves into a girls and boys team and stand at either side of the net please when you enter the gym"

Like it was on cue, everybody ran into the room and sorted themselves into their teams while Teresa and Georgia slowly but surely made their way towards the girls. Teresa then noticed the popluars from the cheerleader squad stare at her, interest in their eyes and she shuffled uncomfortably

"don't worry about them Teresa" Georgia reassured her with a gentle smile on her lips "they are just jealous that you are hanging out with him, just ignore them like you have before"

Teresa knew that she was right so she took a deep breath and walked towards the girls while avoiding any looks from the other girls that gave her them

It wasn't long before each of the teams were standing at each side of the net while the teacher was standing at the side giving out the rules and explaining the game again when everybody knew exactly what to do durning the game and instead talked among each other

"alright teams are you ready to go" she asked the class as they nodded wearly in response "that's good to hear, please don't be too rough during the game because I don't want anybody to have a serious injury and pull them out of the game"

"let's do this" Teresa whispered with a determited look on her face as the whiste was blown.

. . . . . . . . . .

It wasn't long until the final bell rung and Teresa and Georgia were making their way out of the classroom door. As soon as they made it outside, Ryder ran over to catch up with them as the girls looked at him, a bright smile on their lips as he came closer and stopped in front of them

"Hi girls, are we ready to go" He asked them as they both nodded in response "also Teresa, would it be okay if I chill at your house this afternoon? I understand if you have something else going on or if your parents don't want me to come over but I was just wondering"

"of course you can come over Ryder, I'm sure my parents will be okay with you coming over, they will be able to meet you too which is good!" Teresa exclaimed with a gentle smile as he nodded in response as they walked out the school gates and began their walk home

"Teresa" Ryder suddenly asked her as she turned around to face him with a gentle smile on his lips "don't let all this rubbish about us dating get to your mind - they think that way because they know me as the bad boy and makes a huge deal when they see me with a girl"

"thanks Ryder, that makes me feel a whole lot better" She replied with a smile as he nodded in response and they then contiuned their walk to Teresa's house.

. . . . . . . . . .

As soon as they arrived to the house, Teresa's parents were standing in the doorway looking at them with a bright smile on their lips as the three came towards them

"Hi Teresa and Georgia, how were your days today?" Her mum asked as the two girls both gave her a thumbs up in response as she released a smile and turned towards Ryder "and you must be Ryder! welcome to our house!" He then came to them and shook their hands

"thanks" He said with a nod in response as they then all walked into the house with Teresa, Georgia and Ryder making their way to the couch and instantly flopped onto it. Teresa then grabbed the TV remote and turned on the television, watching whatever what was on.

Teresa kept on thinking about how everybody thought they were dating and that made her reconsider helping him, but she knew that she offered to help him and that she couldn't back down on helping him - she knew that she would just have to put up with it  and not let the conversation and stares bother her at all.

Rearranging The Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now